Tag: random

Weigh-In Wednesday – Still On My Soapbox

Still seems like the reichwing christian ideals align a helluva lot more closely to what Sharia law wants, as opposed to freedom, and democracy. They just have their own twists based on their own wants, and beliefs, and their own twisted patriotism that they think is the only patriotism that matters. This is why I keep reminding you, my kind, and intelligent readers, that when Russia launched a social media campaign to influence American public opinion, and sway voters in a way that would damage American democracy, and create a national divide, they targeted right wing conservatives. They did so for a couple simple facts, and those being that the conservative agenda is the one furthest from the ideals of American democracy, freedom, and decency, and the fact so many uneducated Americans buy into the preachings of right wing conservatives; they’re the most gullible, and easiest to influence.

Weigh-In Wednesday – Happy Holidays, and Other Useless Junk

The people who post these stupid, “Want to trigger a liberal? Wish them a Merry Christmas” crap, it makes you look pretty damn uneducated. Say Merry Christmas – celebrate Christmas. Hell, we won’t even force you to grow a brain, and learn the true history of the holiday. All anyone ever said is, other people celebrate holidays BESIDES Christmas, so when someone says “Happy Holidays” in return, because, there are multiple holidays to celebrate this time of year, even in your own little narrow minded world, don’t get so butt hurt about it.

Christians in this nation are the most quickly, and easily offended people going, but seem to think if they don’t get their way they’re immediately being persecuted, and everyone else is offended by them. We’re not offended – we just find you to be ridiculous, and stupid. Fucking grow up, and learn how to exist in a world where other people have different perspectives. We’re going on probably over 1500 years of this bullshit from every sect of your cult, and you still haven’t learned how to do that.

Silent Voices - where I got to play a complete jerk. Conservatives would say this would influence me to become one.

Nearly A Weigh-In Wednesday and I’m Angry

Yes, indeed, my little snowflake. No one is saying “free.” The majority of Americans want these things – it’s isn’t just small radicalized pockets of progressives. We realize these programs cost money; the government collects plenty from us to cover the programs, we just keep hearing about how they’re not affordable, while wars, tax-cuts for the wealthy, and bail-outs to covers shitty (Republican!) economic policies are never questioned as to their cost. Spend our taxes on the things that will benefit the tax payers. I’m sorry your feeble, simple mind can’t understand that people want their taxes to benefit them.

Weigh-In Wednesday – The Uniqueness of You

I learned in time, that’s just how it is, and I need to have patience with myself, more than patience with others. In those times when you’re stopped worrying about it, and start focusing on other things, amazing people come into your life. When you’re forcing it, less than amazing people come into your life.

Just my two-cents of my old age wisdom. Picture me peeling an apple and eating slices off the blade of my pocket knife while sitting in a porch rocker while telling you this. It might make more of an impact.

A straw hat, and denim overalls are also nice additions.

Weigh-In Wednesday – Searching for the Sun

Sometimes, being positive isn’t about finding the silver lining in the storm clouds, or seeing the sun from behind the rain. It’s about appreciating the rain, and how refreshing it can be while it is coming down. It’s about appreciating the dancing shadows in the storm clouds as they roll, and flow. It’s about recognizing your pain, embracing it, and realizing it will pass. 

Not everything is good all of the time, but even when things aren’t good, they’re useful. Flowers rarely grow from sunshine alone. It takes a balance of rain, and some lumps of shit, along with the sunshine for them to thrive.

If you spend your time trying to only be positive, not only do you fail to learn to deal with your problems, but you lose the experience of the pain your problems bring. Without being able to feel, embrace, and deal with pain, you can’t fully appreciate the happiness, and the good. As I’ve said many times, the valleys help define the mountains.  The oceans help to define the land. Contrasts exist to show us what can be, what is important, what we should value, and the things, and people that deserve our greatest efforts.

Stages - 5 Award Nominations at the Buffalo 48-Hour Film Project

Weigh-In Wednesday – September 11

Yes, we all know it’s September 11th.  As we have been told, we haven’t forgotten. We’re not allowed to forget, and with that, many aren’t allowed to reconcile the grief that day has caused.

It is a tragedy that honestly started our nation on a downward spiral of economic disarray, and increased ethnocentrism. Which is probably exactly what the terrorists wanted. Yes, honor the fallen, honor the first responders, remember them on this day. But maybe also realize our current state of affairs, and the endless wars that have further demonized us in the Middle East, and the breakdown of our alliances that we now have is evidence the terrorist got what they wanted. In that respect, we’ve failed to honor the fallen, and first responders correctly.

Symbolic memorials mean nothing if you don’t live in a nation that upholds the values it wrote into its Constitution.

But, who am I to say? After all, most conservatives still blame Obama for not being in the Oval Office when 9/11 happened.

Ridiculous Workday Notes

I have discovered my job is literally Peter Gibbons’s job in the movie Office Space.  Now, I love the movie Office Space, and in fact,traveled with a digital copy on my laptop to watch while on flights, in my hotel, etc..  while I had a contract that required weekly travel from 2006 through 2009. That job was a high-pressure job, and working from the road all the time wasn’t always easy, but back then, running my own business, and experiencing so many different places was so much better than just being in an Office Space type work environment.  Why do I say that my  current job is Peter Gibbons’s? Because the job doesn’t seem matter, at all. I do my work, which is completely trite, unrewarding, and for the most part without meaning, or consequence, good or bad. I get direction from management, but it’s rarely ever followed-up on, or consistent. I have eight different bosses who will all tell me the same thing, or in most cases, nothing at all. My presence is required, but at the same time, completely optional as long as work gets done. My only fulfillment comes via direct deposit, which isn’t great, but the flip-side is, once I leave the office I don’t have to think about my job at all. Not a single bit. No worries, no over-hang of stress, no wondering how I will solve problems, or make anything work. Nothing. I can completely focus on things that actually matter to me.

There is a certain serenity in that. I’m not changing the world here, but it keeps the bills paid while I work on changing my world elsewhere. When I’m here I hate it, and I want to leave, or find something new. But at the same time, I realize such jobs are pretty rare.


Weigh-In Wednesday – What’s New?

Just a note: if you find yourself in a debate over which fast-food chain’s chicken sandwiches are better, you might want to consider that you have the diet preferences of a 10-year old, and perhaps work on finding a little more culinary culture, or at least a healthier diet.

Am I one to talk? Is my diet perfectly healthy? Hell no. But deep fried chicken sandwiches aren’t a point of debate for me, and I would rather patronize locally owned, and developed establishments rather than a national chain that either doesn’t give two shits about the markets they invade, or spread bigotry against marginalized groups through their religious rhetoric, while using their employees’ generous nature as a national marketing campaign as if the company is the good-doers, and not the individual slaving for them at minimum wage.

Silent Voices - where I got to play a complete jerk. Conservatives would say this would influence me to become one.

Weigh-In Wednesday – All This, and More

For those who need to hear it – the nicest people generally get a lot more hardship thrown into their lives. It is one of the things that makes them the nicest people.

They know what it’s like to struggle. They’ve fought battles, and those battles have built their uncompromising character. They have empathy for the struggles of others because they’ve struggled, and don’t want to see others struggling. They have big hearts, and tend to be extremely generous because in the end everything they’ve fought through teaches them the most important things aren’t money, or material possessions, but love, and seeing those they love live fulfilling lives. They understand true morality isn’t found in a book of fables, but in the way you treat someone who can do nothing for you in return.

This concluded my text based, non graphical internet inspirational meme.

Screen Capture from the movie Breathe

Weigh-In Wednesday – Staying Steady

I feel more empathy for the families of our fallen. No one has a child with the hopes that they lose that child at a young age in a meaningless war. I spent more time on Memorial day remembering war is something we should have evolved away from eons ago, but resource ownership still dominates our societies, and the common people are the pawns of the wealthy. We still allow ideologies to control our societies, instead of focusing on what is best for humanity, and our planet. Oh yeah, and it’s all pretty meaningless if we destroy the livability of our planet, yet a lot of you keep voting for war-mongering, religion-bent, science-denying sociopaths based on stupid ideological platforms. That is a war that will eventually kill more people than you can even consider… 

Maybe the best way to remember those who sacrificed their lives for our “nation” would be to learn the lessons we should have learned from those wars in the first place, and work at making our nation a better place, instead of what we’re doing now… otherwise, what did they sacrifice for?