Tag: beautiful

Another Day

“I want to play,” Hailey  announced in that way that only drunk people would announce such a thing.

“What would you like to play?” Billy inquired back with a smirk. He knew her condition meant she would be open to anything. She loved rough play when drinking, and the more drunk she got, the rougher it could be.

“Whatever you want to play…” she said, poking Billy in the middle of his chest with an outstretched index finger. “But you know my preferences,” she continued, tracing her finger down his body.

Billy looked at her through squinted eyes, and a tilted head. She smiled, and laughed a little, and playfully asked, “What?  What’s gong through your mind?”

“You might not want to know,” he responded dryly, “but you’re about to find out.”

Weigh-In Wednesday – Searching for the Sun

Sometimes, being positive isn’t about finding the silver lining in the storm clouds, or seeing the sun from behind the rain. It’s about appreciating the rain, and how refreshing it can be while it is coming down. It’s about appreciating the dancing shadows in the storm clouds as they roll, and flow. It’s about recognizing your pain, embracing it, and realizing it will pass. 

Not everything is good all of the time, but even when things aren’t good, they’re useful. Flowers rarely grow from sunshine alone. It takes a balance of rain, and some lumps of shit, along with the sunshine for them to thrive.

If you spend your time trying to only be positive, not only do you fail to learn to deal with your problems, but you lose the experience of the pain your problems bring. Without being able to feel, embrace, and deal with pain, you can’t fully appreciate the happiness, and the good. As I’ve said many times, the valleys help define the mountains.  The oceans help to define the land. Contrasts exist to show us what can be, what is important, what we should value, and the things, and people that deserve our greatest efforts.

Movie Poster for Stages

Weigh-In Wednesday – Back to Routine

The previous weekend was the 48-Hour Film Project. Our movie titled, Stages was filmed in record fashion. Our first year leading our own team; we kept the production streamlined, the story easy to follow, and sensible, and our production schedule stayed very close to schedule for the entire day. Because I directed it,  filmed it, and edited it, it was less of a challenge keeping the vision on point.  The Premier Screening was this past weekend, and I have to say, I think it played well. Not as flashy as some films, but given our small team, and limited technical resources, it still came out clean, and cohesive, and seemed to have the emotional impact we were going for. Confirmed by a few different viewers, some even said it appeared on screen as one of the best looking, best filmed movies of the day.

More Movie Fun

Check this out! Last September I got to be an extra in a Lifetime movie named Staged Killer –  these movies are either Merry Christmas or Murder Characters. There’s no in between. But even as an extra I got some quality face-time with the camera. Enough that I’m even in the trailer six times!  Two are pretty obvious. See if you can find the others.  Heck, let’s make it a contest! Find me, and list the times I’m on screen, I’ll figure out a cool prize for the person who gives me the right answer first!

Weigh-In Wednesday – Going to Heck

…in western cultures particularly, we have this perspective on monetary wealth, and prestige where we place those with money, and titles as being, in our minds, as more important. Hence, the wealthy can easily be forgiven in society for their transgressions. Catholic priests aren’t prosecuted for molesting children, because they hold some mystical prestige on our society’s mind, so they just get “relocated” while the church covers up  their transgressions. 

Weigh-In Wednesday – Closing Out 2018

The concept of that things will change based on a random location of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun seems kind of silly, doesn’t it? Aside from financial expectations created by the government, and banking institutions, what truly changes on January 1st? Not much. So don’t look for resolutions here. I’m going to continue on my personal growth paths, and do my best to keep myself in line with what I am trying to achieve.

Thinning Thursday? Back At It.

This is the Buffalo I want to know, and want everyone to see. The Buffalo that works hard to welcome refugees from all over the world. The Buffalo that helps people get a new start. The Buffalo that appreciates, and cherishes the cultural differences that those who find a new home here share with us, and celebrate the traditions of others, while sharing some of our own traditions with them.