Nearly A Weigh-In Wednesday and I’m Angry

Except, it's a Thursday, and I've been decked with projects, and editing of all sorts.

If you're expecting something from me, please be patient, it's coming. I promise.

Against The Arguing

I have some acquaintances on Facebook who are conservatives in every part of the word. A big part of that being, they'll believe any illogical, falsified, or flat out lie that comes across their timeline so long as it proves their point, and makes them feel like they're "owning the libtards."

It takes a whole lot of self-control for me to not comment on every one of their posts how much of a complete fucking idiot they are for buying into the lies.


In this latest one, Randy here buys into the fact that we shouldn't listen to, or seemingly even respect Greta Thunberg's voice, but rather listen to Dr. Judith Curry who says, "Climate change is a Hoax," despite that she never said that. If you read Curry's opinion on climate change, she states that there is uncertainty in the science, and we can't say yes, there is impending doom, or no, we'll be fine. She agrees all factors being equal increasing the CO2 levels in our atmosphere will result in global warming, but there are other variables to consider. But even she states that the possibility of impending doom can't be discounted.

She doesn't deny the principals of climate change.

But as often stated, 98% of climatologists state the trends, and factors show us that we're moving toward a drastic, and potentially catastrophic change in global climate. So, yes, 2% of climate scientists aren't completely on board with the fact it will be catastrophic. Greta is a compelling voice for the 98% of scientists who ALSO don't get media time. Does the 2% deserve equal media time as the 98%?  You can answer yes, and your answer would be, they currently get just as much.

But I would say no. No they don't. Because as it has been asked, what is the worst that happens if we believe, and act on the advice of the 98%?  We get a cleaner, healthier planet to live on?

Wouldn't that be a fucking crime....

So, shut up, and stop sharing this bullshit. You look like an idiot to everyone except the idiots who agree with this false information without researching it.

On Socialism

Here is another thing that makes all of you look like complete morons:

Socialism, and your attempts to demonize it.

Well, honestly that isn't exactly what makes you look like complete morons. There are other political, and economic ideologies that go for, and against socialism, and you're welcome to choose whatever ideology you want. The part that makes you look like morons is the fact conservatives actually LOVE socialism! Just not the parts of it that aim to help the majority of Americans.

The military, and its funding is socialism. Conservatives love increasing military spending when that increased spending helps line the pockets of their military industrial complex, and the NRA, and protect American resource interests around the globe - Otherwise known as the people who donate to Republican campaign funding more than Democrat campaigns. Republicans keep saying we shouldn't be the world's police force, until an oil well is threatened somewhere, then we're going to police the shit out of that nation until it looks like Armageddon swept through it.

Infrastructure is socialism, but it is largely ignored by Conservatives, that is, until there is an infrastructure issue that might directly impact the profits of one of their cronies' businesses. The funding of the police is socialism. Notice how the police nationwide have become more, and more militarized over the past two decades? All that old military gear has to go somewhere, so why not use taxes to buy it from the military for use domestically, when taxes already paid for it originally, and taxes will pay for the new equipment that is replacing it? And it's not like the police are protecting the citizens paying those taxes; they only truly protect the interests of the state. So, again, it's your taxes being spent in double-overkill to do little to nothing for you. Crime isn't drastically reducing. We just put more people - mainly, poor people, and minorities - in jail (which is also socialism). Republicans LOVE that kind of socialism! Now we have for-profit prisons where our tax dollars can be spent with their buddies' corporations at an inflated rate for prisons to become even more horrific, and abusive, and less effective. But we have to fill them for their buds to make money, so... police quotas!

Border protection?  Socialism. Taxes being spent to make sure those poor brown-skinned people from other nations can't try to rebuild their lives here. The white ones from Europe are ok, just not from those other nations. Do we want "open" borders? No, but we do want humane borders, and that isn't what the Republican idea of border protection gives us. Your taxes being used to round up, torture, and kill poor people from other nations. That's the kind of socialism Republicans love!

Social benefit programs? Pffffttt! That's bad socialism to Republicans. Those are the programs all those brown-skinned people abuse, and take advantage of. Except, the Republicans want to ignore the fact that poor red states user more of those programs than anyone else, but since they keep voting Republican, and against their own best interests, the Republicans are ok just keeping those programs stable, as long as it is supporting, and encouraging their voters. Kind of like all the agriculture bail-outs being spent by the billions right now to assist the American farmers going broke because of ass-backward Republican economic policies. Those bailouts are socialism. They're the most basic definition of socialism. It is socialism at the heart of the socialist policies that Republicans call "evil" but they're ok with this socialism, because the bailouts cover up how the Republicans are destroying that section of America, and as long as those farmers aren't suffering too badly, they'll still vote Republican, and remain supporters against their own best interests.

But don't talk about tax-funded higher education. No way! That's evil socialism. It might educate those poor fly-over state Americans that never went to college, and keep voting Republican. Medicare for all? Are you crazy? That would help more anti-Republican people than the pro-Republican people, and if you put health insurance, big-Pharma, and the pharmaceutical lobby out of business, where would the Republicans find over-paying jobs where they don't really need to do anything after their political careers end? Where would their campaign slush-funds come from? That's EVIL socialism.

If you can't see this, you're not truly paying attention.

Our entire government is socialist spending. That is what taxes are. The government doesn't produce anything, and even outsource most of their services to private businesses. The problem comes in that since the Reagan era, a disproportionate amount of those taxes come from everyone below the top 3%, while fewer, and fewer of those tax dollars are spent in ways that benefit the 97% that pay the taxes. When you realize that, it becomes mega clear as to why Republicans are against programs that would force either the collection of taxes from the wealthiest 3%, while distributing the majority of services to the other 97%.

That is what they call socialism. But when the majority pay the taxes, while services are distributed to the wealthy minority, they will never see that as, or call it socialism, but it absolutely is. The sell American on the idea of "trickle-down," which in it's own theory, would be socialism, but in reality, it was always designed to be "trickle-up."

Bottom line is, Conservatives only worry about money when they believe it will have a negative impact on their own wealth. Bombs, planes, tanks, armored Humvees for SWAT teams - they see these as wealth protection. Tax funded education, and health care for their fellow Americans?  Where is the profit to be made?

So they call it socialism.

Yes, indeed, my little snowflake. No one is saying "free." The majority of Americans want these things - it's isn't just small radicalized pockets of progressives. We realize these programs cost money; the government collects plenty from us to cover the programs, we just keep hearing about how they're not affordable, while wars, tax-cuts for the wealthy, and bail-outs to covers shitty (Republican!) economic policies are never questioned as to their cost. Spend our taxes on the things that will benefit the tax payers. I'm sorry your feeble, simple mind can't understand that people want their taxes to benefit them.

I'm Angry This Week

I've had enough with these simple minded clods seeing a new, more destructive form of government corruption as being a positive change. 

And I still haven't weighed myself.

Again, I challenge any conservative to present a policy initiated by the conservative party that irrefutably is designed to help the majority of Americans. I'll wait.



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