Tag: art

Wednesday Weigh-In – Independence Day Interrupted

If you’re going to celebrate Independence Day, you’re truly celebrating the principles that drove our nation to independence, which are all very well outlined in the Declaration, and the Constitution.  You’re celebrating the idea that if your government isn’t truly working on behalf of all of its citizens, changes are necessary. Replacing the government is necessary, and should happen when necessary.

You’re also celebrating the individual right to state such things, and question what the government is doing. Patriotism isn’t blind flag waving, fireworks, standing for anthems, and shouting rah-rah about an entity with imaginary borders on a round planet. Understanding that is a big part of Independence Day.

Weigh-In Wednesday – Dad Bod Fo-evah!

Nothing turns a woman off faster than a guy who comes across like Norman Bates, and Jeffrey Dahmer had a baby, and he was born with Tourette’s. Yes, I’m looking at you Mr. Horn-Honking Cat-Caller.

Friday Writing Challenge – Crazy Little Thing Called…

When we appreciate the little things: the moments, the kismet, the feelings that fill us even if for a brief point in time, we start to see the unwritten poems all around us. The beauty in our lives. The beauty we sometimes take for granted.

I know I need to do a better job of seeing the beauty, but she helps me with that every day.

Friday Writing Challenge, Again

There’s no such thing as an undamaged person, but to understand someone else’s damage, to understand what they need, and to understand who you need to be in order to not add to that damage takes effort. A lot of effort. Effort that very few people are willing to put into a relationship.

This is really complicated. But it isn’t about who is damaging who, or what damage we all have. We have to start putting more effort into understanding ourselves, having patience with each other, and recognizing the things that truly matter in our world. There’s no one right answer, or easy answer, or magic pill.

Weigh-In Wednesday

A see a lot people calling Kanye West a “genius.” By what definitions is this guy a genius? Not all misunderstood people are geniuses. Not all popular artists are geniuses either. Most geniuses probably languish, and are never recognized as such. I have yet to witness this genius displaying any traits that I would call, genius.

Discovering The New

Hopefully this doesn't catch on that I can blog from work, and type on a regular keyboard instead of only using my phone.

But what to blog about today? Photography stuff? Film stuff? Acting stuff? Politics? Current events? Self-evaluation, and the shortcomings of me in my life?

I don't know. I'm not sure if it's writer's block, or being overwhelmed, and not knowing where to start. I had a strong urge to blog this morning, but unfortunately I made myself so busy for the first six hours today, I ran out of things to do for the last two.

So, here we are.

How are you? Good to see you. Welcome back to my blog, that no one reads. 🙂

I'm stressed out over time right now. I have four personal projects that I am working on for Living In The Buff. The first, is working on my marketing photos, for shooting small products, food, jewelry, etc. The next step is going to be a push to get more clients who need such services, so I want to bolster my portfolio for these types of images.

Project number two: working on some video interviews with the folks I've worked with a lot on the past. This one should be fun. Especially combined with offering a free photo session to encourage collaboration.

Project three is a growing film making project. Can't talk about it right now, but it's going to be great.

Project four will be getting out, and about, and taking more artistic images of the area. My Buffalo Adventures portfolio is a little thin because I just haven't put time into taking more local, artistic shots. Mostly it's been weather. I just haven't wanted to be out in the cold so much this year, and the weather just isn't breaking. Some of it is just time allocation. There is someone I prefer spending time with, obviously, so that is more of my focus.

I need to collaborate more. Musicians, photographers, models, artists, filmmakers... everyone I can work with. I just wish I had the time, and resources to maximize those opportunities.

More Acting!

The role I played for the Old Fort Niagara Association educational video. I like it! I need to work on my British accent however. I'm usually better at it when being angry, and they didn't want angry... more of, compelling, trying to convince the viewer that I believed in my duties, and the plan, and they should to.

Oh well, maybe I'll try again when I audition for the next Harry Potter film.... 😉