Tag: bad religion

COVID-19 Shutdown: Day 29

Yes, indeed, you can SEE this fucking virus. We don’t need to suspend all disbelief to pretend it is real. Unlike your god who you need to pretend he is in every sunset (but just the pretty ones, not the cloudy day sunsets where it just goes dark), or every baby’s smile (we know how babies are made now too – it’s a fucking biochemical reaction). So if that’s your response to being able to see your god, you’re fucking grasping at straws.

This is the same stupid joke as the “you can’t see your brain either.”  Well, you could. MRI, CAT Scan, they’ll show you your brain. The illogical religious arguments are based on the same level of being illogical that has given rise to criminal religions such as christianity. After all, the ONLY difference between a religion, and a cult is how many people follow it. The concepts, and tenants are no less batshit crazy whether you believe in Jesus, Alien Spirits from Volcanoes, or that guy who plays guitar, and fucks all the women is the messiah.  

Weigh-In Wednesday – It’s Only 10:00AM?

If your car is dark gray, and mostly covered in snow, congratulations! Your car is perfectly camouflaged for the environment you’re driving in, and could be nearly invisible to other drivers! Please turn on your lights. You’re not doing yourself any favors driving in stealth mode.

Weigh-In Wednesday

A see a lot people calling Kanye West a “genius.” By what definitions is this guy a genius? Not all misunderstood people are geniuses. Not all popular artists are geniuses either. Most geniuses probably languish, and are never recognized as such. I have yet to witness this genius displaying any traits that I would call, genius.

Think On This

83% of Americans identify themselves as "Christians."

Which means they believe in a god who is usually identified as male when gender typed. They also believe in his son, his living form, who once walked the Earth.

And what is the overriding theme of this religion? Everything will be OK as long as you trust god, do as he says, and give yourself in worship to him. What happens if you don't? Well, then you are punished with a violent, torturous eternity in hell.

Do as I say, or I will HURT YOU. This is what we believe. With no evidence any of it exists.

But we're all flipped out that men treat women this way. Where could they have possibly learned the notion that it's OK for a man to say, "Do what I want, or I will HURT YOU?"

Ladies... you follow this religion, too. You abide by it. You approve of the message.

Why, as a society, do we expect better of flawed humans, when 83% of them believe in a "perfect" deity that acts the same damn way?

Maybe if we want to change how people behave, we need to get past all the crap that they've been taught to believe?