Weigh-In Wednesday

First installment of Weigh-In Wednesday.

I am 219.2 pounds. Such a fat-ass. My goal is 185. I'm not sure if the 0.2 is significant. I might have just needed to have a poop to get below 219.

Follow my progress. And my failures. I'm sure there will be both.

Random thoughts:

The Congressional Chaplin's only function is to be pointed at by republicans while they say, "See? We Pray at work, just like you religious people want to do. Keep voting for us." He is an otherwise waste of tax dollars, an affront to the separation of church and state, and a slap in the face to the concept of freedom of religion.

A see a lot people calling Kanye West a "genius." By what definitions is this guy a genius? Not all misunderstood people are geniuses. Not all popular artists are geniuses either. Most geniuses probably languish, and are never recognized as such. I have yet to witness this genius displaying any traits that I would call, genius.

Also, his name is Kenya, with the vowels swapped.

The NRA is having a convention. Attendees are not allowed to bring in their guns.

Now, if conservative logic actually was logical, the NRA convention would just be a room full of guns, and no people. After all, guns don't kill people, people do.

This person's tweets caught my eye this morning:

I used to buy into this, but it's bullshit. Your ability to like yourself has nothing to do with other people being able to like you, and if you meet someone who struggles to find acceptance, and love for themselves, within who they are, how is not loving them, or liking them, going to show them that they can like themselves? I've known plenty of people who have had really bad self-images, yet I have found it within myself to see the beauty in who they are, appreciate them for who they are, and even show them love, despite the fact most days I can't stand being me.

The two ideas don't come together. I would be lost without the love, and acceptance others show me, even when they know outright how much I struggle with appreciating who I am. Not saying I don't accept who I am. I do. I see it. I'm aware. Horribly self-aware. I just don't like me most days, and that's ok, and it doesn't mean other people won't like me, or find an appreciation of who I am.

So, there's that.

And yes, the weigh in ties into it. I want to be more physically appealing according to popular media standards. I don't want to live out my life looking like a meatball trying to hide in a baggy shirt.

I'm working on it.

There's nothing profound here today. No words of wisdom. Just this. Check in next Wednesday for another episode of Weigh-In Wednesday along with some salty self-loathing.

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