Weigh-In Wednesday – Sweating Doesn’t Do It

216.2.  Not happy with that. But I did discover Cortney's scale is some kind of AI experiment gone awry, and turned into a flat floor device that people step on.

Last night I had a dream that I was in a real-life situation that was basically the first Die Hard movie. It was weird. Probably more weird because I was one of the antagonists, but wanted to be a protagonist, so I basically defected. Of course, the bad guys didn't know who I was, so I was trying to pull off my best German accent. They said it sounded Polish. I introduced myself as "Mirinov....  ski.  Stanley Mirinovski."

Still sounds Russian. 

I kept gathering information from them, and they seemed none the wiser. Then I would relay the information to Sgt. Powell, and try to minimize the amount of damage, and killing taking place. I know the similarities in looks between Bruce Willis, and me is uncanny, but I didn't replace him. I was a completely different, and weird character that didn't really work for the story. Alan Rickman was a jerk to me.


Have I posted our videos from our July 1, 2018 interview on WNY At Work radio show with Dale Martin? It airs every Sunday at 10:00AM on ESPN Radio 1520.  Here are the videos in two parts:




Social Media

There were so many things that came up in social media this past week that I wanted to talk about, but nothing is really striking me as worth the effort right now.  

But one. Someone, a motivational speaker perhaps, posted something on Facebook that someone I know shared. The idea behind the post was, people always say that they're tired. The most successful people always have energy. You can have energy, but always saying that you're tired convinces yourself that you are tired. 

Sure, our self narrative can convince us of a great many things, but tired is one of those things that maybe you're not really convincing yourself of, but rather, you don't know how else to express the general feeling of frustration, fatigue, emotional labor, emotional exhaustion, or whatever it is you're feeling when your day-to-day life breaks you down.

It's not always self-narrative, but self-narrative can be part of it. It never hurts to keep a positive outlook, but be honest. And if you feel you've had enough, ask for help.  We're all fighting some fights in life right now. Everyone is. That doesn't mean you're losing, and that doesn't mean you have to go it alone.

But speak of how you actually feel. If you feel tired, say why. Maybe it isn't tired. Maybe it's just emotional exhaustion. Maybe you just feel there are too many plates spinning, and you can't drop any of them. I totally get it. 

Life gets to be too much some times. But that's why we're here, right? To help each other through it.

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