Weigh-In Wednesday – Russian Meddling Free Edition

Weigh-In Wednesday. Where did I leave off? My apologies that I didn’t get to post last week - my week was unfathomably busy. Granted it hasn’t really slowed down with all the photography I’ve been doing lately, the new job, trying to find time for me, and there’s that little selling my house, and needing to pack it up, and clean thing I have to try to fit into the schedule.

Last week the number was up a bit. 216.8. Yes, I did actually weigh-in even if I didn’t write about it. This week… a bit better at 215.2.

Yesterday I was at 213. I’m not sure what happens on Tuesdays. I think gravity changes. The moon? The tides? Something. I barely ate yesterday. I worked my entire day, end to end. I have fit in the gym, and increased my workout.

All I can do is shake my head at this point, and sigh.

The gym is like self-imposed S&M. I’m not sure if it’s improving anything, but it’s like self-punishment for so many years of self-indulgence. Yet, I feel like I need to do it more. And more. Ugh. Someday I might have a physique that won’t border on repulsive…

Other Repulsive Things

Let me just throw this out there.

The Russians, and Putin specifically, have admitted to meddling in the elections of Western nations, and it is pretty obvious the goal is to create disruptions, and discord in international alliances, and democratic governments. To damage democratic freedoms, break economies, and to create distrust within populations. Social media sites such as Facebook, and Twitter have noted, identified, and even banned accounts that they know are run by Russian agencies to spread misinformation, and fear.

We know these things to be fact. Almost every intelligence agency has confirmed this. The Russians admit to most of it. Social media sites, which use all sorts of advanced tracking technology have stated it is happening.

The basis for the majority of their efforts are aimed at the conservative right. Attempts to assist populist, conservative, and read this without the grain of salt - EASILY MANIPULATED POLITICAL LEADERS in place above more progressive candidates.

Their goal is to create discord, distrust, and damage democratic freedoms, and they have identified the most efficient way to do this is to play within the agendas, and the population of the conservative right.

Let me repeat this for those who are really slow to understand.

They want to DESTROY DEMOCRACY, and they have identified the quickest way to accomplish that is to PROMOTE THE CONSERVATIVE RIGHT TO POWER.

So, are you supporting this? If you are, put down your American flag. Stop crying about supporting our veterans. Stop whining about football players’ protests. Stop shouting Make America Great Again. You’re on the wrong side. You’re siding with the people the Russians can control in order to damage our nation because the Conservative platform is ALREADY DESIGNED TO DAMAGE OUR NATION.

Oh, and if you have ever proudly waved a confederate flag or proudly hoisted a Nazi swastika flag, you’re not even an American. Americans fought against these concepts because they have no place in an evolving world. This isn’t your nation. Those veterans you claim to love weren't fighting for YOUR IDEALS. You’re not promoting the ideals set forth in our constitution. You’re on the wrong side. Go suck a tailpipe, and rid us of your evil machinations.

Had to get that off my chest. Thanks.

The hypocrisy that can be found on the right side of the aisle is astounding. And this isn't saying the left is never hypocritical, but the ideals on the left are usually not in conflict with what the platform supports. The right side is almost 100% in direct conflict with their own message, starting with the evangelicals, right to the Trump-sucking, Bible-thumping fools in America's flyover states that think investing $150-Billion more in the military, or billions in a wall against Mexico are more worthwhile spends of their tax dollars, than actually working on improving their education resources.

You can't claim to love a nation, while supporting a platform that works directly against the ideas the nation was founded upon, and until I hear someone on the right side finally say they don't actually care about the Constitution, they only care about money, I will continue to not believe anything they say.

On A Happier Note

How much can my life twist, and turn on a Wednesday you ask? Yeah. Who really knows the limits that exist there... seems limitless, really.

I have to look at each change as a new chapter. Every down as an opportunity for come-uppins. Is that a word? It's something. Can't be down for too long; when the tide rises you end up underneath it if you're not willing to stand tall before it reaches you.

I still have this high-flying, amazing woman to look forward to every day. Those other setbacks certainly pale in comparison to that.


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