COVID-19 Shutdown: Day 45

Surviving it. That is what can be said. In about 3 weeks I go back to work, sort of. Looking forward to that.

This came up on my Facebook memories today. Five years ago, as you can see:

An actual fortune! So often fortunes inside of fortune cookies actually come across as advice, proverbs, or idioms. Not fortunes at all.

This was an actual fortune. And in reflection, it was accurate!

See, it was only 10 days after posting this that I photographed Cortney one-on-one for the first time. New headshots. But from there our relationship grew quickly. Five years later, and she is still the refreshing change I was seeking, and that apparently the fortune cooking sent my way?

Maybe? Whatever - I'm not sure I ever had a fortune cookie that was this accurate, and timely.

More From The Conservative Dunk Tank

You can't call it a think tank. I don't believe there is any actual thinking happening on the reichwing outside of really stupid ideas on how to "Own the Libs" and being biggerNot in the news because it didn't happen. racists, sexists, and overall assholes. 

For example, this meme, which is verified to be a complete lie. I mean, honestly, with as many memes as there are about Trump donating his salary he would have needed to be paid for about 20 years in the last 3. Unfortunately, all he's really done over the last 3 years is allow his wealthy friends, and family to steal from the coffers of the treasury, so anything he has donated is already your tax dollars, not his money. And that's not to mention the 332 years worth of presidential salary he has spent taking golf trips, and vacations weekly - primarily to his own properties, to profit his own businesses. 

I mean, in his first year in office he defunded and deregulated agencies that protect our natural resources, and the Earth to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, but his worshipers wanted to give him credit for donating his $100,000 quarterly pay to one of those agencies? You're a bunch of fucking doorknobs if you think that meant anything at all.

The willfully ignorant.The conservative right isn't any more evolved than flat Earthers. 

Like the conservative right, the only thing being conserved is brain power. They're not using any.

And reasoning with people like this is impossible. There's still a large faction of American's saying COVID-19 is a hoax, because that's what their supreme leader and head dunce said back in February. Now, with over 60,000 Americans that have died with over a million more still infected, they still can't grasp the gravity of this situation.

Of course, same as those flat Earthers which can't grasp the gravity of gravity, they're all in the same boat; the USS UH-DUH, and they have all of their oars on the right side, probably to own the libs.

What you believe doesn't become true just because you believe it.

2 thoughts on “COVID-19 Shutdown: Day 45

  1. Good For You!!!! Important someone shed light on the subject matter. Davida Hermon Rickart

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