Today We Vote

Today I will go vote.

It's kind of a strange one. Being an independent for the loathing of a corrupt two party system that provides us little choice, and even less progress, I generally research the candidates, and choose the one I believe would best represent the people they would serve. Twenty-First Century Republicans have made this easy: don't vote for Republicans. They rarely, if ever, have anyone of quality on the ballot, and have quickly declined in overall ethics, and integrity over time.

In fact, we're not voting for who would be best this year. We're voting for who will be able to stop the Republicans from continuing to destroy this nation.

Honestly, that is what this comes down to.

For the first time ever, I will join the blind majority and cast a ballot that is a mindless down-the-row vote for the Democratic party, simply because they're the only party with enough support to drive Republicans out completely. The GOP needs to die, and the fascist ideologies they tight-rope walk need to go with them, once and for all. Trump needs to go. Not just from the White House, but directly to jail. His whole family needs to go with him, as well as anyone who enabled his quest for emperorship, or stood behind the policies he enacted that have worsened our nation, and the entire world.

I'll vote for Biden - somewhat begrudgingly, but at least I know he has the experience, intelligence, and courage to surround himself with good people, good legislators, good policy writers, and people who will tell him where he might be going wrong. I trust his VP pick, Harris, and look forward to her stepping in when the time comes that she needs to. Honestly, I'd prefer her for President. I don't think Biden will be in the seat for long.

But this has all become crazy. The vile jingoistic attitudes of the Trump supporters are not what this nation is best represented by. It's not the majority.  Systems, policies, and institutions that have been outdated by a century shouldn't have the largest influence on how we move forward as a nation, and they shouldn't force us into living under minority rule. We're struggling to move forward, and progress as a nation anchored to these ideas, and attitudes of the 19th century. Hopefully with majority rule in the House, Senate, and Presidency, the Democrats will quickly move to eliminate these ancient ideas. However, I doubt it. They've had their chance, and never have in the past. They play too nice. We can only hope the last four years of the Republicans playing for keeps influences them to stop constantly compromising and start doing what they know is best for the nation.

Of course, we face the possibility of Trump retaining the White House, the Senate remaining under Republican control, and dealing with 4 more years of constant decline while they stoke hatred, and fail to serve the nation. Given the current rates of demise due to COVID, which they haven't lifted a finger yet to actually deal with, there might not be enough of us left in four years to put up a fight.

Vote wisely. Please.

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