So a month into this whole shebang, and I think I'm doing ok. Finishing some small work projects. Some fun projects. Made a pretty awesome Easter dinner, which really has nothing to do with Easter because I don't really celebrate the fairy tale of an immortal being sacrificing himself to himself to forgive the sins created by himself, committed by the imperfect beings he originally created to worship himself with.
Makes sense? No, not to me either.
In dedication to such a ridiculous concept, I'm going to do my part with one of the angriest, rantiest, most vulgar blog entries you'll see here. Because if any one thing is going to send me off the deep end during this shutdown, it is the constant, and escalating fucking stupidity of the conservative, and christian right in this country. Let's start, shall we?
Gem of Religious Logic
This hurts my brain. Mainly because of this:
Oh, look! What's that? IT'S A FUCKING PICTURE OF THE GODDAMN VIRUS YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. Yes, you need a fucking microscope to see it but that is what science gives you - the tools to identify the motherufucking things you can't see with the unaided eye. Let's go back to the 1500's, and review how the catholic church treated Galileo because he invented a telescope, and was able to show people what the planets actually fucking looked like in opposition to the ignorant fucking religions that obviously hated education, and science. He spent years in prison, and died under house arrest because he created a tool that helped people see what was actually there - not some contrived fairy tale, or speculative interpretation from a book of fairy tales, told by a man who claimed to know god, while he boned little boys behind the altar he stood at.
Yes, indeed, you can SEE this fucking virus. We don't need to suspend all disbelief to pretend it is real. Unlike your god who you need to pretend he is in every sunset (but just the pretty ones, not the cloudy day sunsets where it just goes dark), or every baby's smile (we know how babies are made now too - it's a fucking biochemical reaction). So if that's your response to being able to see your god, you're fucking grasping at straws.
This is the same stupid joke as the "you can't see your brain either." Well, you could. MRI, CAT Scan, they'll show you your brain. The illogical religious arguments are based on the same level of being illogical that has given rise to criminal religions such as christianity. After all, the ONLY difference between a religion, and a cult is how many people follow it. The concepts, and tenants are no less batshit crazy whether you believe in Jesus, Alien Spirits from Volcanoes, or that guy who plays guitar, and fucks all the women is the messiah.
Gems of Conservative Logic
A little introspective on how correlation isn't necessarily causation.
This has to be posted because the fucking "Coronavirus is caused by 5G" or "Coronavirus is a distraction from the government killing us with 5G" conspiracy bullshit is getting was out of control.
Higher population density is where COVID-19 spreads from person to person the quickest? You don't fucking say! Well, my gawd of logic, and reason! Oh, and where there is higher population density is where they would roll out new, and profitable technologies that people will actually use? HOLY FUCK, you don't say!
But we can take it even a few steps further down the road of stupid fucking illogical conservatives that can't see past their own fucking noses:
Oh, there we are. Rush Limbaugh - the cigar smoking, illogical, dumb as a fucking pallet of bricks conservative mouthpiece for those who never actually want to be bothered to think for themselves. Imagine for a moment, if you will, that initial projections based on models where society doesn't change a goddamn thing showed potential death projections of 2.2 million people, but after many states (usually, not republican led states) have taken drastic measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, those projections had to be remodeled, and the numbers came out differently! Well, I'll be a fucking monkey's uncle if that doesn't seem logical to people who want to stand still in life, and even regress to places we've already evolved past.
Oh, and the zinger! The latest projections are no more than the average annual mortality numbers from the seasonal flu! HAHA! Actually, that's wrong by about 50%, so yes, COVID is still far more dangerous you imbecilic lumps of dumb. A month into the shutdown orders given by states actually trying to slow the spread of this, and performing mass testing, and we're at almost 24,000 COVID related deaths nationwide. That's close to the number of deaths most year's see from the seasonal flu. Almost a year's worth in less than a couple of months. Yeah, you guys are right on the fucking money on that one, ain'tchya? If your true concern is actually just the economy, and not how many people die because you're a fucking scumbag republican like that, don't worry - these same conservative dunk-tanks still think the older population will willingly sacrifice themselves to the COVID-19 mass graves just so the economy can get a boost.
But why stop there? There's still a segment of the conservative population still trying to convince the country that our gun fetish isn't really a problem, while the entire rest of the civilized world completely disagrees with them.
What? No mass shootings while schools are closed? Churches are closed? People can't gather at events, or in mass numbers at shopping centers?
Not these fucking rocket surgeons, obviously.
Instead the FBI has arrested multiple right-wing extremists planning other terrorist attacks. Bombing a hospital, hate crimes against Asian Americans just to name a couple. You know, those right wing extremists; people whose ideologies align closest to you gun loving nutjobs who carry out those mass shootings? Except now it's tougher to get good kill numbers just with a gun. Targets aren't just gathering together in one place anymore, so they have to come up with different ideas. More complex plans or specific targets.
See, you utterly brain-dead fucknuts, the guns make it really fucking easy to kill larger numbers of people quickly. Get it? No, you don't, obviously. So yes, if you take away guns, the lunatics on your side will still find ways to kill people, but it won't be nearly as easy for them. THAT'S THE POINT OF COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL. Maybe one of these days those decrepit sea-cucumbers you all have for brains will figure this out.
Under Shutdown
As the blog title would indicate, today is actually the 29th day under shutdown here in my area. New York was actually on the leading edge of this; there are still some states not following shelter in place, social distancing, or shutdown recommendation. Not surprisingly, those are states with Republican governors, like South Dakota were 200 workers at a meat processing plant just tested positive.
YIKES! You might want to pay better fucking attention to the world, Kristi. I know South Dakota isn't the most populous state, or a hotbed of tourism, but viruses don't really give a fuck about that, if you haven't noticed.
Or maybe you're still playing Trump's "it's a hoax" card. Some unsettling facts about how mismanaged this has been from a federal level is the fact that if you look at Trump actions after his first warning from the CDC on January 8th, Trump basically said he doesn't give a shit, and went on with life as usual, including running his white nationalist rallies and playing golf every weekend for the profit of his businesses, paid for by your tax dollars.
This graphic even neglects to mention his rally in Charlotte on March 2, after the CDC started saying, "Uh, people probably shouldn't gather in large numbers anymore."
He didn't care. He doesn't even care about the people who support him, as long as they buy tickets, stroke his ego, and suck his dick.
The 1-2 Stupidity Combo
If you want to see the combined efforts of conservative and religious stupidity, look no further than Trump declaring March 15 A National Day of Prayer.
It was right around then Trump realized this was actually going to be a disaster, so he held a prayer breakfast or some stupid shit to try to convince the already most gullible, and easiest to lead through lies - the religious - that he is actually working hard for them, and their safety. Unfortunately, as in every single case where prayer is employed instead of actual strategy, science, and healthcare, after said prayers were uttered the number of cases of COVID in America almost immediately skyrocketed.
Why, you might ask? Because the states got their shit in order, realizing Trump wasn't doing a single fucking goddamn thing about this, and once the CDC allowed states to perform their own testing, they started discovering just how many people were already infected. I mean, it's not like thousands, or millions of you weren't already praying to whatever imaginary friend you talk to asking him, her, or it to protect us from COVID, but the cases were still out there, and continuing to grow exponentially.
But hey, if you want to insist prayer is effective, I suppose Trump could have been praying for COVID to wipe out the poorest people in America in order to increase his odds of winning in November. Completely within the realm of logic, and reason, given he's a selfish, narcissistic, imbecile who doesn't actually give a shit if you live or die (reference back to the fact he held 9 large rallies after the CDC told him this is going to be a problem.
If he's willing to risk his own supporters, I'm fairly confident he doesn't give a shit about any one of us.