Weigh-In Wednesday – It’s Obviously Autumn Again

Yep, Autumn. That time of year where the weather changes, by the hour. That time of year where he leaves change colors, fall off the trees, and then rot. That time of year when everything in life looks bleak, changes abound often out of your control, and you start to look forward to the sweet embrace of death.

Or winter. Winter will probably come sooner.

I've often said, the worst changes, challenges, and things I have to adapt to happen in Autumn. Every year, it seems like something new, and increasingly awful. Maybe it has become self-fulfilling prophecy, but often the challenges I face aren't even things on the radar. Nothing I'm dwelling on, or fearing. Just, random awful crap.

My Autumn has begun in just that way. Let's see what else it can throw at me by December.

The Weight

I didn't weigh myself this morning, but yesterday's number was 215.4. A disappointing increase, but at this point it's more about getting rid of the spare-tire, and back-fat. It's a challenging cycle. I go to the gym to burn calories, tone-up, build muscle, and lose weight. I end up gaining weight because I am building muscle, and I tend to eat like a ravenous elephant that just got relocated to a wildlife sanctuary. Except my diet isn't nearly as healthy.


Just because it is the Halloween season doesn't mean there needs to be ghosts, but ghostings are real - even in business. Another Autumn change. I guess it was time to move on anyway. The efforts put in never really were adequately compensated, or even appreciated, obviously.

Filling The Slate

My Summer/Autumn has been quite packed with work, and activity. Every day seems like there is something new to handle, or do - especially with photography. It has put me behind the eight-ball a bit on some things. I will be working diligently this week to get caught up.

Step one is getting the entirety of my script-writing assistance off my plate. A lot of time invested there - it will be good to clear up time in my week for my own work, and some new projects.


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