Weigh-In Wednesday – End of February

We're reaching the end of February already. 2019 is streaming along at break-neck speed.

Every day is pretty filled with activity, so finding the time to add to my blog, and my site is difficult most weeks. This is going to be a short blog.

I didn't weigh in this week. My life hasn't made it a convenient early morning task lately. I will see if I can change that. I did get to the gym for the first time in over a month this past Saturday, and am still dealing with the soreness four days later. Almost ready to get back to the gym tonight or tomorrow.

Word of Advice for the Entrepreneur 

If your run your own business, like many of us do, sometimes you need to fire your customers. Literally, fire them. Bad customers can be a bigger drain on your energy, your patience, your time, and most importantly, your finances.  They're like having a job that is, "just a paycheck." When you deal with uninspiring, and unfulfilling work, co-workers who don't energize you, managers that are not fit to manage,  and corporations that  proudly say, "Our people are our greatest assets!" People aren't assets; they're people. They have lives outside of work, and they don't belong to you.

Sorry, </tangent>

But bad customers are like that. No matter how fulfilling your business, and the work you do may be in your life, bad customers make it feel unfulfilling, and they drain you.

Let them go. Find new ones. I know it is easier said than done when you're facing deadlines, and bills, and financial responsibilities, but when it comes down to it, some customers don't help you reach those needs. Quit that job. Fire your customers.

Smile Amazon

I just found out that you can help support my favorite charity by logging into your Amazon Prime account at https://smile.amazon.com and signing up to support "Queen City Pitties" Animal Rescue. Once you sign up, start your Amazon shopping experience at Smile.Amazon and .5% of your purchases will be donated to QCP!

Seems like Brazillianaire Jeff Bezos could probably afford a smidgen more than .5%, but every little bit does help. Sign up today!

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