Wednesday Weigh-In and Random Thoughts

Wednesday Weigh-in... ugh. I'm up 2.2 pounds... 221.4

What. The. F....? unless all my efforts at the gym are packing on muscle by a pound a week, I probably just need to stop eating entirely.

Cortney started watching Oliver Stone's The Untold History of the United States last night. Very interesting documentary. It makes one realize the United States has never been truly altruistic, or a true democracy in any sense of the terms. The treatment of Henry Wallace by the DNC, a true progressive, interested more in bringing about lasting peace, ending racial segregation, and prejudice, and moving America toward being a nation that would serve the common people, instead of the common people serving the nation, was reminiscent of how the DNC treated Bernie Sanders, a man very in-tune with Wallace's philosophies, in 2016. Both Wallace, and Sanders have/had rock-star popularity among the people, and spoke of all of the great things the nation could do. But when it came time nominate, money, and corporate greed spoke over the demands of the people. In 1944, we got Truman, and the atomic bomb. In 2016, we got Clinton, and ended up with Trump who has worked at alienating our allies, and increasing nuclear tensions.

Disheartening to see another side to the history we have been taught, and understand that the United States might have actually been the bad-guy when it came to de-militarizing after World War II, and forced the cold war upon the world, instead of working toward making the world a better, more peaceful place.

We both asked, how much further ahead could we be, scientifically, in education, in bringing about world peace, if only our nation was actually smart enough, and ethical enough, to elect true progressives into office?

But that goes along with a lot of history. Like the Dark Ages. How far along could we be in scientific development, and the exploration of the Universe, if religions never existed? How much more peaceful could the world be if we didn't have even more divisions based on evidenceless theologies driving violence around the globe, and throughout history? Will we ever get to the point where we can look at history, and think, "Gee, that really didn't work out well for humanity. Let's not do that again, ever."

Rush hour traffic this time of year is maddening. Either we have traffic delays for weather all winter, or traffic delays for construction happening everywhere at once all spring and summer. I have a partial solution to help alleviate traffic volumes, and speed traffic flow:

Make it illegal for any vehicles over 5-tons to be on the road in high-congestion areas between 6:00AM and 9:00AM, and between 3:00PM and 6:00PM.

Sounds unpopular, and yes, it would inconvenience businesses, and the distribution industry, but imagine how much smoother traffic could be without merging tractor-trailers, or huge, slow vehicles bunging up lanes of traffic because they're too large to maneuver along with the 100 cars around them. It's honestly bad enough people often drive their cars like they're driving an 18-wheeler. Getting the 18-wheelers out of traffic would be amazingly beneficial.

I think I need someone to offer me a role in a movie. Say, $5M and a personal trainer, if I can get myself down to 180-pounds in 3 months.... that might do it.

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