Tag: self-esteem


Written August 25, 2009


So many people I speak with have very little self-esteem.

I, myself, am guilty. I’m a chronic non-believer in myself at times. Not in things such as what I can accomplish, or do, or succeed at… but just, in my own self-worth.

Am I good looking? No… Am I lovable? No… Am I worthy of other peoples’ affection or attention? No… Am I funny? Hardly. Am I the person I want to be? I probably never will be…

A lot of those just go into my expectations of myself. Something I can’t control. I demand a lot of myself, at all times. Whether it be to be the man I want to be for me, or the man I want to be for someone else. All these things… they chip away at my self-esteem and always have.

Give me a challenge and I won’t let it beat me. Give me a compliment and I’m defeating myself before anyone else can.

Do you feel that way too?

Odds are if you do, you know it… and you can even admit it. There is no guilt by denial here.

Here’s the thing… the more I see other people do it… people I truly hold in high esteem, the more ridiculous I see my own responses being. Pay attention folks… you know that person you just complimented and they said, “Psshhwwahh! You’re crazy! I am not!”

Yeah… sounded ridiculous, didn’t it? Well… when you give that response to someone, it sounds just as ridiculous to them.

So I’ve learned something over the past few years that this really plays into. If you take that compliment and simply say “Thank you,” that compliment becomes true to you. Keep saying “Thank you,” and eventually, it becomes you. And when it becomes you, you start to see yourself more as the person you want to be.

Words only have as much power as you let them.

Start letting the good words be more powerful to who you are than the bad ones.