Tag: prints

Brand New!

So photography is the path, but my history is filled with a whole lot of technical work. When it comes to storing huge amounts of data, I know the pain we all face. And with photography, it is intensified. In today's digital age, that data is your work, your art, your passion!

It MUST be protected!

The good news is, I'm here to help. Check out my store to take advantage of some great deals on storage and data backup services.

In the technology section you will find Buffalo Networking Linkstations. These are awesome little network storage devices that you can access from anywhere, even on the road, as long as you have an internet connection. They make backing up your photos a breeze! Best of all, they come with multiple mirrored hard disk arrays, so you can be sure that you always have two copies of the photos of the wedding you just shot, or your aunt's 90th birthday part, or your nephew's 1st birthday party, or any of those other once in a life time events that you need to preserve for a lifetime!

On the road and shooting, or traveling for an extended time? Check out a Living In The Buff exclusive! In the technology section you will find a 480GB solid state portable drive that can be connected via USB to any laptop or desktop supporting USB 2.0. Solid state is a great way to make sure your drive is protected from the vibrations, drops and other hazards that can kill ordinary mechanical hard drives.

Need the ultimate in data protection? We also can provide off-site, cloud based backup solutions. No matter how much data you have, this affordable solution will keep your data protected even if a disaster wipes out all of your in-office or mobile storage! And with automated backup routines, you can go to sleep at night secure in knowing that 24/7, we've got your back!

Please check out all of the great technology options in the new store!

And if you've missed the like twice already, you can find the new store HERE!