Tag: photography

Weigh-In Wednesday – When You Know, You Know

Questioning your opinions is both good, and bad. On one hand, you should never be so confident in your own thoughts, opinions, and ideas that you’re never willing to examine them, listen to the ideas of others, engage in debate, and be open to changing your view.

On the other hand, when your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are based in genuine, empathetic, compassionate, and positive notions; when you have a solid foundation of knowing right from wrong, and why right is right, and wrong is wrong, then you need to be confident in those related thoughts, and ideas.

Wednesday Weigh-In – Independence Day Interrupted

If you’re going to celebrate Independence Day, you’re truly celebrating the principles that drove our nation to independence, which are all very well outlined in the Declaration, and the Constitution.  You’re celebrating the idea that if your government isn’t truly working on behalf of all of its citizens, changes are necessary. Replacing the government is necessary, and should happen when necessary.

You’re also celebrating the individual right to state such things, and question what the government is doing. Patriotism isn’t blind flag waving, fireworks, standing for anthems, and shouting rah-rah about an entity with imaginary borders on a round planet. Understanding that is a big part of Independence Day.

Weigh-In Wednesday – Random Thoughts Edition

I’m still not sure why people think that a 71-year old man who has been nearly criminal, and definitely unethical in his business practices for the last 40 years would have been anything but that once in a political position. Apathy, and simply not paying attention are two of our nation’s largest shortcomings.

Friday Writing Challenge – Crazy Little Thing Called…

When we appreciate the little things: the moments, the kismet, the feelings that fill us even if for a brief point in time, we start to see the unwritten poems all around us. The beauty in our lives. The beauty we sometimes take for granted.

I know I need to do a better job of seeing the beauty, but she helps me with that every day.