Tag: Airplane

I had the Lasagna

...way back when, in the summer of 1987, I flew on a plane for the first time. My family and I were heading out to San Diego to participate in my older brother's graduation from Navy basic training and to also visit an aunt that had moved out there some 40 years earlier...

The long story shortened is, we flew from O'Hare to San Diego on United, back when actual meals were served to everyone on the plane for a cross-country flight.

Our meal choices were something made with chicken, something made with fish and vegetable lasagna... both of my parents and my grandmother ordered either the chicken or the fish.

I ordered the lasagna. Thankfully, it was pretty light and I got off the plane feeling good about life.

The rest of my family, not so much. They were all complaining of upset stomachs and needing to run to the bathroom.

And I owe much of that good start to that trip… to the movie “Airplane!”