Friday Writing Challenge – Lost For Ideas

This is where the real challenge begins: trying to come up with fresh ideas between my Friday blog, and my Wednesday Weigh-Ins. In my current format, I can write both days, but not for extended periods, so short stories are out of the question. I've written a couple of poems for Fridays already, but I really have to be in the right mood for writing a poem, and right now I'm just overcome with anxiety, so that's not helping. Current events? So overdone, even by me, already. I can't discuss what has happened on the latest hot series, or talk about the latest hot movie released, because I honestly don't watch much of either.

So, where to with this edition, or future editions?

I'm lost for ideas. The weather? Sure is hot. I believe we broke the record for Bufflalo's hottest May on record this month.

Well, that covers that.

Now what?

Anyone know how to make $5,000,000 in a month, starting with nothing? I don't think I can even sell non-vital organs for that much... I think that's about how much I would need to do the things I need, and want to do. Unfortunately I wasn't born into a wealthy family, so my father can't spot me a meager $1,000,000 "loan" like some other bloke who claims that isn't a lot.

It is a lot. And it was even more valuable in the time that you got that, asshat.

Twitter Follies

I've spent two days on Twitter trying to get a woman to understand why Rosanne inferring a black woman is an "Ape" is racist. According to her, it shouldn't be, because after all, we're all of the same family. True, but there are a WHOLE LOT of differences when you start drilling down into the individual species. I'm not sure this woman truly understands scientific classifications of organisms, but if you think humans, and apes are the same, you might be struggling with observational skills. Just saying.

Maybe she's still hung up on this guy.

Remember a while back when people were crazy over how handsome Shabani the gorilla is?

People can be strange like that. I'll deal with that a bit more later. Maybe. But for the conclusion of this part of my Friday, as I explained to her, she doesn't have to agree that it is racist for it to be racist. It was said maliciously, and with an intent of racism. Enough people can see that, and that's all that really matters. It's not like it was being said by someone who doesn't already have a history of racism, and who openly supports above mentioned asshat whose father was in the KKK, and is pretty openly racist in his own ways.

It's a racist remark. Argue about how cool apes are, and how closely related we are all that you want. Apes are apes. Humans are humans. Racists are racists. End. Of. Story.

The Psychology of Attraction

Isn't it kind of strange that we find attractiveness in species other than our own? Like with Shabani above, what is it that makes this gorilla "attractive" to the human observer? Is it his dark, and brooding features that resemble in an almost human way the same features we find attractive in Hollywood stars? Is it his almost human-like eyes? Is it his less violent, and more docile demeanor? Is it the fact he appeared to be a good, and nurturing father to his offspring?

Or is it all just a function of our own empathy, and our ability to humanize the non-human, and connect with them? After all, we keep furry, and feathery creatures of other species in our homes as companions, and evolutionarily speaking, we've become a part of them, just as they become more a part of us. As we have domesticated these animals, they have gained uniquely human traits in comparison to their non-domesticated counterparts.  Dogs, and cats mimic our facial expressions, and can sense our emotional states, often responding to them with socially appropriate responses. They respond to our words, and our conditioning by following commands. They quickly learn what is wanted, and not wanted in, and around a home. Sure, dogs like my Rika still get so excited over visitors that they find it hard to control themselves, but even Rika will listen in those moments when my tone changes. Subtle differences that aren't missed by her ears. But it is in part our empathy, and willingness to see the human side of animals that keeps many of us searching for ways to make the world a better place for them.

But, why not for other people?

Why such divides between races, religions, ethnicities, genders, orientations, social status, educational status... you name it.

Simply put, I don't think everyone has an empathetic side, and while there might be social reasons for them to display empathy-like behavior, when it comes down to it they don't feel genuine empathy. What is left is a natural instinct to horde resources. The simplest division is between the haves, and have-nots, and the majority of our divides can be seen in that one. It goes along with the notion recently put forward by Trump that there are "shithole" countries. Those are the countries that are seen as the "have-nots." The "haves" look down on the "have-nots" as if they have to have done something wrong to be "have-nots," but also make sure they can't somehow usurp the power or wealth of the "haves" so it becomes an increasingly uneven playing field for the "have-nots" to just not be "have-nots."

In many ways, I feel that is the basis for much of our disdain against other humans. It is often said that a lot of poor white middle Americans vote Republican because they don't see themselves as poor; they see themselves as temporarily inconvenienced millionaires, and by voting Republican they're trying to assure that once they become millionaires, they'll be protecting their own interests. But in the meantime, they vote against their own best interests almost assuring themselves a lifetime of poverty.

Moving On

That's enough about that topic. If you want to discuss more with me, feel free to start a conversation in the comments. I will always engage.

I received a job offer on Friday. I'm very excited about it. My Friday got crazy with my daughter's senior prom, a soccer game, dinner with my boys, and preparing for a crazy weekend that included two Cortney performances, soccer, refereeing football, and the Pride Parade. I'm beat. But that is why this didn't get posted on Friday.

Enjoy your Monday. My resignation letters are in. The next two weeks will be interesting.


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