COVID-19 Shutdown: Day 36

Saw this gem posted today by a cousin of mine living in the south:

Hello?  Religion? At first I thought it was a very astute criticism of Christianity based religions. Turns out it was a dumbass "I doN't KnOW AnYonE WitH CoVId so Let'S OPeN SoCIetY BaCk Up" statement.

Listen, this works so much better as a religion critique, so you missed the mark twice on this, but in another breaking news flash, just because YOU don't personally know someone dealing with COVID directly, it doesn't mean it isn't still a major issue. I mean, good for you! Consider yourself fortunate, and keep doing the right thing instead of advocating for everyone to do the wrong things. Plenty of people, including yours truly, know people, and have people in their lives that have been directly impacted by this.

COVID isn't the wolf. It's worse. Wolves only hunt when needed, and they're selective of their prey. Viruses just infect, and evolve, and infect some more. They don't spare anyone. 

Throughout human history, we have been far more impacted by the microscopic predators that you can't see coming, than the "monsters" that you can. 

Stop being a moron, stay home, maintain social distance, wear your mask, and for fucksakes educate yourself beyond what fucknuts like Hannity and Limbaugh tell you.

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