Weigh-In Wednesday – Still On My Soapbox

This lovely hypocritical gem came across my timeline on Facebook recently, of course, posted by a dimwitted conservative who probably can't do basic math either.

Sharia Law or Christian Conservative Law?Sharia law, according to this graphic, doesn't seem all too different than what Evangelicals hope for, does it? Except some notable differences such as, you'd only get Easter and Christmas, so if you celebrate something else, fuck the fuck off, right? Of course, cinema is big business here, and would probably never be eliminated, but you could bet it would start being heavily regulated, and censored because honestly, what does the religious right get their paws into that doesn't get heavily regulated. Complaints that Burger King used the word "Damn" in a commercial surfaced recently from a christian based group. Ever see those letters of complaint to network broadcasts from those wackadoos that think seeing a woman in a low-cut top is indecent? How long did we hear about Janet Jackson's nipple? And let's just fly past the hypocrisy of no animal rights vs. no bacon statements. No alcohol? How soon our dimwitted conservative friends forget prohibition, when the christian right got their way. Most of our nation has laws restricting gambling, and alcohol consumption regardless, left over from the days when christian religions were as powerful as the government, and their beliefs influenced, or in some cases controlled the legal aspects of our society. Fun fact: Kentucky, America's leading distiller of bourbon, is a mostly dry state. In two-thirds of all counties in Kentucky, you cannot legally purchase or consume alcohol. So you can go tour the Jim Beam distillery, but you can't drink Jim Beam while you're there.

Still seems like the reichwing christian ideals align a helluva lot more closely to what Sharia law wants, as opposed to freedom, and democracy. They just have their own twists based on their own wants, and beliefs, and their own twisted patriotism that they think is the only patriotism that matters. This is why I keep reminding you, my kind, and intelligent readers, that when Russia launched a social media campaign to influence American public opinion, and sway voters in a way that would damage American democracy, and create a national divide, they targeted right wing conservatives. They did so for a couple simple facts, and those being that the conservative agenda is the one furthest from the ideals of American democracy, freedom, and decency, and the fact so many uneducated Americans buy into the preachings of right wing conservatives; they're the most gullible, and easiest to influence.

"NO WE'RE NOT!" I can hear those same reichwingers shouting through mouths filled with half-chewed Chik-fil-A, while dropping pennies into red buckets during the holidays. Supporting businesses that actively funnel money into religious based organizations that seek to end women's rights, LGBTQ rights, and homogenize white-American society, pounding their chests with their white pride, and nazi fervor isn't symbolic of freedom, and democracy, I hate to tell you. It's your own version of Sharia.

So to respond to your food-muffled, spittle flinging protest, Umm, yes. Yes you are gullible, and easy to influence. Because the very things you pound our chests over are the things we actually fought wars against. Try to remember that as you wave your American flag, and demand everyone worship it with white nationalistic pride just like you do.

Here is another:

Cultural or a symbol of hate?


Listen, you fucking wastes of amino acids, militarily targeting cultural sites that transcend the history of modern man, and teach us about where we began are valuable to not just the Iranians, but the entire world. These are sites that are often visited by travelers, tourists, researchers, anthropologists, archaeologists, as well as Iranian civilians. Targeting them is saying, "We don't care who we kill, or what we destroy, as long as we do something that people worldwide will hate us for." It's an empty threat, but a threat none the less.

And taking that action is war crime.

American citizens deciding that symbols memorializing people who acted unpatriotically, who started a war over their desire to continue OWNING OTHER HUMANS, people who led a revolution against the very nation you profess such devout patriotism for; AMERICANS deciding that they are not worthy of worship, and were a stain on the history of our nation, and that they should be removed from public display is NOT INFRINGING ON YOUR CULTURE! Unless you're a racist, anti-America, twatwaffle, and that's your culture?

If you can't see the difference here, please schedule your lobotomy soon so you can be muted, and made harmless to our society. 

Someone posted a great rebuke to this. Especially when these numbskulls state Republicans are the party of Lincoln, and Democrats fought for slavery. Democrats can respond by saying, "Well, then as Democrats, we're going to take down our old statues now...."

This is crap


And then someone just posted this.

Australia? What? 

"Pray for Australia. Pray for Rain."

To whom exactly? Your omniscient deity that knew this was going to happen, and did nothing to prevent it? That same deity that could, at any moment, send torrential rains to quench the fires, but doesn't, and you think your prayers will convince him to? Maybe we should focus on environmental conservation. Unfortunately that is the one place conservatives never show they're conservative.

Oh yes, the fires have been determined to be arson. So, no, no - climate change isn't responsible at all. Except when you consider the continent has been a tinderbox because of a record breaking hot, and dry spring, and summer. 

Conservatives do know it's summer there, right? Or do they think these fires are burning through mounds of snow, and Australia in January looks like Buffalo in January?  Wait! Maybe it does? Buffalo doesn't have any snow right now either. In January. The middle of January. But climate change is a Chinese hoax, obviously.

Please get these people on some prescriptions to assist them with their delusions.  Oh yeah, sorry, they can't afford them, and the people they keep voting for keep trying to take away more of our healthcare, and let the pharma companies rape us for profit. 

The Weigh

Haven't weighed myself in weeks. Who cares at this point? Gravity isn't stable anyway so those small variations could be gravitational fluctuations too.

I need to get back to the gym.



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