I don’t mean to ignore my blog, but unless I get in the right mindset, I fail to come up with interesting things to write about.

I don’t mean to ignore my blog, but unless I get in the right mindset, I fail to come up with interesting things to write about.
I just found out that you can help support my favorite charity by logging into your Amazon Prime account at https://smile.amazon.com and signing up to support “Queen City Pitties” Animal Rescue. Once you sign up, start your Amazon shopping experience at Smile.Amazon and .5% of your purchases will be donated to QCP!
I tried to watch the Snoozerbowl. It didn’t hold my interest. The halftime show was flat, and not compelling. Not sure who watches anything for the “commercials.” Do you also not skip the ads on YouTube? You’re strange.
We set these ideals that we fail to achieve
Expecting of others what we won’t even give
The understanding, and forgiveness
For just being flawed humans
Wanting acceptance
But offering judgement
Demanding passion
But living within our walls
Holding tight to our comfort zones
And later regretting our inaction
In all I see this as a disastrous change for the city. Those who live in the city, it doesn’t impact nearly as much as the population who doesn’t live in the city. With a city center of about 350,000 people, and a surrounding population closer to 700,000, it’s an imbalance that this policy doesn’t solve, or even address, but assured, a tremendous amount of the revenues generated by businesses in Buffalo come from suburban residents, and much of it after 5:00PM.
The concept of that things will change based on a random location of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun seems kind of silly, doesn’t it? Aside from financial expectations created by the government, and banking institutions, what truly changes on January 1st? Not much. So don’t look for resolutions here. I’m going to continue on my personal growth paths, and do my best to keep myself in line with what I am trying to achieve.
High jinks was a popular 18th century drinking game in Scotland. The game involved throwing a die, and if the caster got a bad score, they had to choose between drinking more alcohol or performing an undignified task.
How the world can break under the weight of sorrow, but is a pain that is worth owning if only for the moments of love, and the risk spent in having love, and embracing the moments.
If your car is dark gray, and mostly covered in snow, congratulations! Your car is perfectly camouflaged for the environment you’re driving in, and could be nearly invisible to other drivers! Please turn on your lights. You’re not doing yourself any favors driving in stealth mode.
It is hard to comprehend nothing when you have lived, and experienced so much. Our memories are a footprint in the sand that we don’t want to see washed away. The love we share, we don’t want to know that those we give it to will somehow be without it. We don’t want to be forgotten by the people that we love, or the legacies that we leave. We want to know what happens. We want to see where this crazy humanity thing goes.