Tag: truth

Naked Truths – A Follow-up

This is what women demonstrate that they want. This doesn’t scream “the media creates He-Man images because that’s what men relate to.” No, this would give the impression that the very opposite is true. Men relate to the He-Man image because that is what women constantly show that they hold as their ideal. It varies, of course. Maybe women are more attracted to the Hugh Jackman type, but I would wager if truth serum is applied, the majority would admit that they fantasize about the wolverine under the sweater, as much as they would fantasize about him baking a quiche for their garden party.

Weigh-In Wednesday – To Be Blunt…


Here’s a thought: grow a pair, and actually be a parent. You think this was bad? What do you think images of wars, mass shootings, police brutality, domestic abuse, kids in cages, and all the rest of the violence, and inhumanity they’re exposed to do? Better yet, examine your own fucking behavior, and state honestly if YOU are setting the best example for them as a parent? When is the last time you sat down, and truly discussed the good, and bad going on in THEIR lives? Probably never for the majority of parents, right? How about the football game itself? Think they’re learning solid life lessons while watching a safety targeting the head of a wide receiver over the middle, and being congratulated for a great hit while his opponent lies on the turf barely conscious? Let’s throw all of this into perspective, and put a magnifying glass to everything you allow into their lives as you cast your judging eye on a female performer because she’s dancing, and you can see her midsection.

And as I said to someone else, my kids are exposed to the fraudulent, deceitful, and abusive fantasy world of organized religions on a daily basis. Everything from the “pray for” memes, to people on TV, like Paula White yelling for satanic pregnancies to miscarry, and news coverage of preachers shouting about how every other person but themselves are going to go to hell, and of course the shouldn’t be legislative debates but still somehow are because we STILL let christianity put their devious little stubby fingers into government. Debates such as abortion legislation, or women’s healthcare rights, or religion in school, or somehow now, our taxes going to fund private, untaxed religion (but only christian) based schools?

Despite this, they’re still atheists. WHOA! Whaddaya know, good parenting done right leads the way even if they’re exposed to all that bullshit.

Lackawanna, NY 1911

Weigh-In Wednesday – Moving Forward

People look at the past, and long for the good-ol’ days. We romanticize what used to be, focusing on only the good, and forgetting how much was bad, or even worse than bad. We look at our present, and we focus on the bad, and what we want to change, then dream of a future that is only good, not imagining the negative consequences of what we’re doing today. We say, “Things weren’t like this back in my day,” but odds are, they were. People don’t have less of a respect for life today – mass shootings, and the brutality we see every day isn’t a function merely of a change of attitude toward what life is worth. Were we as a species really respecting, and valuing life when we were burning witches for baseless religious accusations? How about when indigenous peoples were being slaughtered? Gladiator tournaments? Hangings? Beheadings? Crucifixions? Monarchs ordering executions on a whim? Do these all show how we respected life? Are the 2A gun nuts really showing a respect for life by fighting harder for their right to own military grade weapons than seeking to find solutions that would stem the tides of gun related deaths we have in our nation?

Weigh-In Wednesday – Happy Holidays, and Other Useless Junk

The people who post these stupid, “Want to trigger a liberal? Wish them a Merry Christmas” crap, it makes you look pretty damn uneducated. Say Merry Christmas – celebrate Christmas. Hell, we won’t even force you to grow a brain, and learn the true history of the holiday. All anyone ever said is, other people celebrate holidays BESIDES Christmas, so when someone says “Happy Holidays” in return, because, there are multiple holidays to celebrate this time of year, even in your own little narrow minded world, don’t get so butt hurt about it.

Christians in this nation are the most quickly, and easily offended people going, but seem to think if they don’t get their way they’re immediately being persecuted, and everyone else is offended by them. We’re not offended – we just find you to be ridiculous, and stupid. Fucking grow up, and learn how to exist in a world where other people have different perspectives. We’re going on probably over 1500 years of this bullshit from every sect of your cult, and you still haven’t learned how to do that.


Weigh-In Wednesday – What’s New?

Just a note: if you find yourself in a debate over which fast-food chain’s chicken sandwiches are better, you might want to consider that you have the diet preferences of a 10-year old, and perhaps work on finding a little more culinary culture, or at least a healthier diet.

Am I one to talk? Is my diet perfectly healthy? Hell no. But deep fried chicken sandwiches aren’t a point of debate for me, and I would rather patronize locally owned, and developed establishments rather than a national chain that either doesn’t give two shits about the markets they invade, or spread bigotry against marginalized groups through their religious rhetoric, while using their employees’ generous nature as a national marketing campaign as if the company is the good-doers, and not the individual slaving for them at minimum wage.

Screen Capture from the movie Breathe

Work Complaints. General Complaints. All The Complaints.

I’m in IT, and it is a ridiculously complex environment. Technologies are siloed, and everyone has specific jobs based on the technology area they deal with. That means everyone, in each area should have some relative expertise in their technology, and how it fits into the interconnected parts of the IT environment. However, daily, I find this isn’t the case. My job is very much a generalist type position that has to sort out issues that could stem from any one of these other silos, and when I ask those other silos for information about their silo the answers I get generally range from, “I don’t know,” to, “Not my problem,” to no response at all, or a response that is of no value.

“Ask Howard.”

Who is Howard? What department?

…no response.

I have to assume they meant Howard the Duck, so I’m heading to Cleveland.

Wix... wait, what?

Weigh-In Wednesday – Stunning Websites without Stunning Images

I saw an add for Wix.  Wix annoys me. They promote their services as “do it yourself for free,” and try to convince people they can just build a wow-factor website in under 15 minutes at no cost. 

Eight days later, most users have an incomplete website that looks like a 5th grader built it in 1998 using Microsoft Frontpage and Paint, and on this monstrosity there’s a Wix advertisement in just about every corner that pops up whenever your mouse cursor gets within 30 pixels of it.

Screen Capture from the movie Breathe

Weigh-In Wednesday – Staying Steady

I feel more empathy for the families of our fallen. No one has a child with the hopes that they lose that child at a young age in a meaningless war. I spent more time on Memorial day remembering war is something we should have evolved away from eons ago, but resource ownership still dominates our societies, and the common people are the pawns of the wealthy. We still allow ideologies to control our societies, instead of focusing on what is best for humanity, and our planet. Oh yeah, and it’s all pretty meaningless if we destroy the livability of our planet, yet a lot of you keep voting for war-mongering, religion-bent, science-denying sociopaths based on stupid ideological platforms. That is a war that will eventually kill more people than you can even consider… 

Maybe the best way to remember those who sacrificed their lives for our “nation” would be to learn the lessons we should have learned from those wars in the first place, and work at making our nation a better place, instead of what we’re doing now… otherwise, what did they sacrifice for?

Shaving a Bit Close to the Bone

When you’re at that age, so few people have the ability communicate such complex feelings; the dark, and dismal thoughts that you know won’t result in understanding, but a trip to the doctor, or worse. People only hear what they want to hear. You’re supposed to do what you’re told. You don’t often get options, and these days, what you get are a diagnosis, a label, and drugs. We understand more but everything is a diagnosis, and the end goal is to make everyone a “productive member of society” rather than a healthy person, who is right with him or herself. Suicide prevention is so often pasting a list of phone numbers on social media, when what people really need is empathy, listening, better healthcare, a hopeful future, love, and to know that they are important enough to others to get their time, their patience, and their best efforts at understanding each other. We’re told to take better care of ourselves: get a gym membership, eat healthier, drink 64-ounces of water every day! But no where in our society do we get told, you’re emotionally exhausted? Take a day off and nap, read a book, and talk to your friends – it’s ok! Feeling like you’re going to have a mental breakdown? Take time for yourself, and do something enjoyable. Focus on you, and what you need, not your job, or kids, or bills… it’s ok!