Her laughter is my best medicine....

Her laughter is my best medicine....
And here you were
Laughing, and enjoying the day
Smiling, and whiling away
The summer breeze
With your sunburned knees
And me
When we appreciate the little things: the moments, the kismet, the feelings that fill us even if for a brief point in time, we start to see the unwritten poems all around us. The beauty in our lives. The beauty we sometimes take for granted.
I know I need to do a better job of seeing the beauty, but she helps me with that every day.
We love to play in summer blooms
In fields of green, under a silver moon
With petals so bright
Shinning stars, and sun light
The bluest of skies
Her crystal blue eyes
Warm skin, warm within
A lover’s embrace
Kindness, and grace
But where do you go
When the skies turn to gray
Empty fields where you no longer play
Scattered remains of happier days
Originally written March 1, 2009
Time slips away
We warmly greet
Each coming day
While dark clouds
Fill the sky
A summer’s last breath
I chase after
Those warm days past
Grasping at what is left
A kite string
Quickly blowing
Out of reach
With an autumn wind
Out of my control
I cannot control
This passing
The changing of these seasons
When the golden leaves fall
Covering the lively ground
Turning everything brown
The death embrace
Comes too quickly
Leading in a winter freeze
The procession of life
This life in my hand
The only one
A gift to live
And autumn comes too soon
October 14, 2008
Within my hazy sight
A young man was I
On the shore of a pond
Blissfully surrounded
By cottonwood seeds
Drifting lazy on the breeze
In the springtime air
The willows wind-chime leaves
Sang their ancient song
And the cicadas call
From everywhere
An old rope swings
From a mighty branch
In a cottonwood
Over time
Reaching out to the pond
To the water that beckons
To the trees and birds
And the dragonflies hunting
Skimming over the water
Dancing with the sun light
On the reflecting water
Broken only by the
Bullfrog’s wake
And in the heat of the day
My ears rang with the songs
Of the pond
And on the breeze I could hear
Your voice
“Come dance with me
Take my hand
Swing with me to the water
Escape this heat
And the mosquito’s stinging bite
In the cool water
You will find me
With the pleasure of our youth”
And before me I see
Your hand extending
A finger curling
Come hither
Take this rope
Take this leap
To the golden water
Before you
I run
Over the dusty path
The easy path
Beaten down by the feet
Of the many who sought
Your comfort
Your companionship
The solution to this mystery
As all the others
I run this same path
Not the mossy ground
Full of roots and vines
Waiting to slow my way
And trip me before
I can reach you
And your blessings
In the water
Where I know
You will be my savior
I leap
Arms extended
And hands wide open
Grasping for your hand
To take mine
The rope that swings
Gripping it tight
Feeling the wind rush
Through my hair
Over my ears
Drowning the sounds of the day
With the hum of this motion
But not your voice
Your voice rings clear
“Let go…”
You say it again
“It’s time to let go…”
And I believe
I want to believe
That you will catch me
Softly in the cool water
As the rope slows
And the travel of my swing ends
I hear your voice again
“Let go…”
I close my eyes
And push the rope away
My flight confirmed
The point of no return
I open my eyes
And hear your voice again
“Let go… I must let go…”
And the pond is not there
A stony ground waits below
And I see you
Standing on the bluff
Watching my fall
As I reach in vain
Extending my arms in a desperate plea
“Catch me!” I call to you
But you turn and walk away
I close my eyes
One last time
There will never be
Another pond
As sweet as this one was
And now
Only now I realize
Between the real
And the imaginary
And the reality
And the fantasy
The only thing left for me
Is letting go
On Thursday, October 26 we had some freak 80-degree weather here in the north east. As luck would have it, the boys had off from school that day as well, so we took advantage and drove out to Letchworth State Park to hike the area casually referred to as the "Grand Canyon of the North East."
The Grand Canyon part I'm not so sure about, but it is definitely unique geology and a very pretty area to hike in.
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