Her laughter is my best medicine....

Her laughter is my best medicine....
If you’re going to celebrate Independence Day, you’re truly celebrating the principles that drove our nation to independence, which are all very well outlined in the Declaration, and the Constitution. You’re celebrating the idea that if your government isn’t truly working on behalf of all of its citizens, changes are necessary. Replacing the government is necessary, and should happen when necessary.
You’re also celebrating the individual right to state such things, and question what the government is doing. Patriotism isn’t blind flag waving, fireworks, standing for anthems, and shouting rah-rah about an entity with imaginary borders on a round planet. Understanding that is a big part of Independence Day.
When we appreciate the little things: the moments, the kismet, the feelings that fill us even if for a brief point in time, we start to see the unwritten poems all around us. The beauty in our lives. The beauty we sometimes take for granted.
I know I need to do a better job of seeing the beauty, but she helps me with that every day.
If you frequent my blog, or my website here in general, you might notice changes happening right before your eyes.
I'm in the process of rebuilding all of my galleries. This is a huge, time consuming endeavor. I have to sort through literally tens of thousands of photos from over ten years of photography work. The main focus however is event photography. I have been the photographer for Yelp.com events in Buffalo for over five years. I've covered two World's Largest Discos, three Witches Balls, and countless other events, large, and small, for various organizations, performers, and individuals.
I have to build the galleries, make sure all images are right-sized, watermarked, and their cleanest version.
http://buffaloeventphotography.com is now active, and will take you directly to my new Event Photography Page. Other portfolio elements are changing, being cleaned out, and getting a whole new look as well, but it's a living work. It will hopefully never stop growing!
Feel free to peruse the new elements, and let me know what you think!
We love to play in summer blooms
In fields of green, under a silver moon
With petals so bright
Shinning stars, and sun light
The bluest of skies
Her crystal blue eyes
Warm skin, warm within
A lover’s embrace
Kindness, and grace
But where do you go
When the skies turn to gray
Empty fields where you no longer play
Scattered remains of happier days
Maybe you've noticed, but most probably haven't - my current watermark updated this year to read Copyright 2007-2017.
Yes, that's right, Living In The Buff is celebrating 10-years of photography this year!
Whether it's been events, public happenings, creative concepts, portraits, or just images of everything there is to love about Buffalo, I've amassed quite a library of photography. So all summer long, I will be releasing some never before seen images, dating back to when Living In The Buff got started! I hope everyone will enjoy it, and thank you for being a fan of Living In The Buff!
Sometimes you just have to see things as they unfold...
Ever wonder what the inside of the Buffalo Grain Silos are like today?
Check out Explore Buffalo and take one of their vertical tours of the silos in 2015!