Tag: poetry

Bacon Chews

A little something from June 29, 2011


The deception of such perception
Sits within precision and persistence
When we do our best to pass each test
And it doesn’t make a difference
Details given every thought and attention
Yet success still lies in the distance

Hands are wrought, offers fought
Do this, do that, try this we ought

Sweat on brow, and deepening furrows too
Do more we vow and make these dreams come true
Many to please, like the hungriest bees
Buzzing about their own sweeter brew
The taste of which was only a tease
It takes more than a thought or an idea, we knew
To lasso stars and see these dreams on through

And now we see the mountains are high
And the rivers run so deep
But more important are the secrets that they keep
We needn’t travel to the depths or heights
When we do, we lose these dreams from our sights
Stay on the way that we know every day
With what is in our reach, will be our delights

Autumn Change

Longer time to mend, and shorter time to play
Streetlight halos shine on sins longer each day
Blurring the edges of the black and the white
The wrong and the right
Growing the dark and removing the light
Reflections of life in puddles floating leaves
Curled edges, cutting veins, while winter pleads
The icy breeze
While the sun wanes to a southern retreat
Shadows grow long from trees and feet
The Northern wind arrives fast and fleet
Singing her song
Her sting we meet
A year rolls by
Memories we keep
Time escapes our hold
With it, and from it are the stories we have told
Such a cruel master to which we slave
Losing our fight each night and day
And only on this paper with marks and tears
With toil and sweat we recount the years
Another story to behold
Another year for your life to unfold
Another story to be told

In Poems

Sometimes a poem is not what it seems
Unkempt words that dance and sing
To bring out emotions, feelings and dreams
To write prose such as this is a dubious thing

The reader will read what the author has wrote
It isn’t for either to decide right or wrong
To shadow the words with meanings and dote
Or consider the message within them too long

Sometimes a word is a word is a word is a word
Letters combine to express such a thought
And not until the thoughts can be heard
Can the reader or author find what is sought

Ode To The Last

Originally written August 31, 2008


In times like these, the profound escapes, and the profane takes over...

And to take from his lover
Every stitch of soul so cruel
All the passion she can muster
Yet he is the one that plays the fool

-- Myself

Tangles in Time

Her hair falls around her face
As she looks at me with a bow
Bashful and avoiding eyes look up at me
Such crystal blue eyes
Oceans, beautiful and calling
Begging the imagination to set sail
And explore the mysteries that they won't tell
Hiding the infinite beauty deep beneath their surface

But her coy smile reveals to me
Those thoughts her eyes might so bashfully try to hide
And her tangles of curls
Are an entrapment to my heart
Surrounding her face like an Egyptian frame
Professing the unspeakable beauty so rare to find
In this single moment, when two hearts bind

Love and desire clash as dance partners
Rhythmically moving to a beat that sets them in motion

To come together

To pull apart

To come together

A gravity urged by their desire to be beautiful together
To move in a synchronous ebb and flow
To spark a magic in the hearts that beat for each other
Close together

With bodies pressed tightly
A movement in harmony

This love

This balance

And in this single moment the discovery is made
She is the sun that warms a winter day
And the scent of spring blossoms that call to mind
Those youthful days of anxiously waiting for summer's release
She is the mist on morning skin
And the fire that burns within

And in this single moment
She is the Eden in the promises of lore
She is the rain that grants rebirth
She is ocean that covers my Earth
Crystal blue
She calls to me
And my imagination sets sail again

Hailey’s Comet

Crystal blue skies hide
Dots of light that can only be seen
When skies illuminate a darker side
And the lace made of silvery threads
Pull away this higher tide

She yearns through the eons
By a gravity unknown
Cold and empty space she feels
Hearts once tied, no longer sewn
To these new gravities
Her pull has grown

In my sight, her tale spun
A trail grown long
By an ultra violet sun
To move and to sway
Dressed in tangled strands
To drift away
Through the fingers of God’s hands

Beyond the heavenly freedom
Feathery shapeless beds
Beyond the full moon glow
Lace of silvery threads
Beyond the confines
Of these lives we’ve led

Still on she travels
Through a distance that yawns
This desire she wants
The place where she belongs

Perhaps all she desires
Is to end this flight
Falling back to the sun
On some cold lonely night
And be loved every day
Shining so warm and bright

Or maybe she wishes
For the moon instead
And lay every night
In heaven’s feathery bed
Feeling a touch and a kiss
Dressed in lace and silvery thread
Held tight by these arms
Like the stories she’s read

But what to be had?

Still her tangled strands flow
Celestial beauty
A life time of days below
Separated by mystery
Leaving her legend to grow

And only once in a life
Will I find this grace
Of such beauty in flight
In my life of empty space

I will pray to find
An immortality to bind
For many lives to live
And survive a godly kind
Wasting away the eons
For once each lifetime
Just to find her grace
When she returns
From a prison of empty space

In The Mind’s Eye

Originally written November 11, 2008.

Art, whether it is a painting, a photograph, a poem, a story or a song, everything we create adds to the world and the human experience. Those that endeavor to create for the sake of creating bless our world with every creation, and make the world a better place for those who embrace their creations.

Something created isn't just given to the world, it is given to you directly. It is given to you for you to do what you will with it in your mind, in your heart and in your life.

Embrace the richness of the everything people have created since the dawn of humankind. And remember, it was all created just for you.


A homely cherub perches
On a marble ledge
Watching over an effervescent pond
Where the bull frogs are known
Only by their eyes
And the birds pause
A little longer on the shore

Reeds grow solemnly around
The willow that stretches and yawns
Its arms covered in a sweater
Of Spanish moss
Tangles of hair and yesterdays
Swaying with the wind
And a dragonfly darts
In a dance of delight

Under the tree
In the long summer grass
A boy lies dreaming
A dream awake
A life lived vicariously
In the wonders of his mind
The inertia that can only
Set in motion
The dreams of youth
The wonders of the future
And what life holds
Beyond the life known

Spurred on by the words
Written by another
Pictures painted and hung
So carefully on the wall
Creativity captured by a hand
But seen better in the mind’s eye
The intentions not of matter
But of feeling
Nay, not of the physical
But spiritual
Commanding the heart to move
Commanding the mind to dream
Commanding the passion to flow
And giving life
Oh, giving a breath taking life
To the world to have for its own

But it is here
Within an audience of one
Where a friend is found
A confidant
Offering comfort on lonely nights
Soothing the aching heart
And letting a weary mind rest
At ease with a dream
A star to reach toward
A hurt to leave behind
Tomorrows defined
Only by possibility and hope

Without this
What would a tomorrow be?
And a life lacking this
Would be more difficult to lead
Left with the stark and empty promises
Of the world that surrounds
And the bitterness of living
Without a dream
No stars at night
No clouds in the sky
A heart without a beat
Without love or desire
Is no life for me

Waiting for Wind

From September 5, 2009


Waiting for Wind

A higher reach than mine
Keeping an eye
Trained on the sky
With an aching in my spine
Collapsing again
Broken to the ground
Set my sights up high
You can’t keep me down
I’ll rise up to kiss this wind
To propel me on my way
A kite, a wing, a push, I grin
Taking another step today
I lift my hands high in prayer
Begging these forces not to stay
To leave behind my fear
And join them as they stray
Seeking the wisdom that they find
Rolling here and there
Seeing more than can my mind
Through these closed eyes where I stare
Learning by feel, learning by scent
Crashing and tumbling bare
Hobbled legs and wings are bent
But try again I must
To catch more wind between
And ever increasing thrust
Flying with the gods unseen
Clouds, sky, stars and skin
Nary a feather clean
Before my next try will begin
Scattered I lay strewed
Collecting all my sin
Behind a mood so dim
Waiting for the wind
To come my way again


Make these moments more real
In dreams I’ve kept you by my side
Afraid to lose
Afraid to feel

The light of day I can only see
What my dreams have left behind
Standing here alone
You’re not with me

Your everlasting touch I need
And I can’t understand why
When I close my eyes
You never leave

Make these moments mine to keep
The dreams I’ve held so tight
Through distracted days
And restless sleep

Through the winter chill I felt the fear
It never felt more real than this
And a sad song’s refrain
Draws these frozen tears

So tell me now what I do
To keep these dreams when I sleep
Afraid to lose
The spirit of you

So tell me not to want or wonder
Or wait for the day you return
And wish away the days
Until I hold my Summer

So tell me not to fear the thunder
Spring unfolds the Earth asunder
And wish away the days
Until I hold my Summer