Her laughter is my best medicine....

Her laughter is my best medicine....
…in western cultures particularly, we have this perspective on monetary wealth, and prestige where we place those with money, and titles as being, in our minds, as more important. Hence, the wealthy can easily be forgiven in society for their transgressions. Catholic priests aren’t prosecuted for molesting children, because they hold some mystical prestige on our society’s mind, so they just get “relocated” while the church covers up their transgressions.
Seeing a model's recent pictures reminded me of that time I was asked by a friend to photograph a small runway show for them, which that model walked in, and at the end that model's father told me I had to give him all of the unedited pictures I took of his daughter...
Good times!
Living In The Buff, along with Cortney Chyme, was featured this May online in Prolific Quarterly's webetorials. The full article can be found HERE. Yet, another publication featuring Living In The Buff.
The centerpiece of the interview, and article are these magnificent photos of Cortney Chyme, in a series we called: Blue.
Maybe you've noticed, but most probably haven't - my current watermark updated this year to read Copyright 2007-2017.
Yes, that's right, Living In The Buff is celebrating 10-years of photography this year!
Whether it's been events, public happenings, creative concepts, portraits, or just images of everything there is to love about Buffalo, I've amassed quite a library of photography. So all summer long, I will be releasing some never before seen images, dating back to when Living In The Buff got started! I hope everyone will enjoy it, and thank you for being a fan of Living In The Buff!
This might be the trick, except I can't even watch the video without feeling vertigo.
Check out all of this awesomeness though.
In March 13, 2014 I got to shoot the I Do Love Buffalo Expo, both the event and the runway show. It was a fantastic event with hundreds of people packing the Statler to meet with 40 different LGBT friendly businesses participating. Here are images from the night, which will hopefully be the first of many of these Pride events.