Marriage has become a ridiculous social expectation first forced upon us by our religious institutions who want to claim some kind of ownership on the whole thing, and now pushed by our government that actually incentivizes (straight) people to get married, and punishes everyone who chooses not to, or lives, and loves in an alternative relationship. To add to that, you have the whole “tradition” expectation that you NEED to be married before starting a family. This probably comes from the fact some men will bolt, and leave their partner, and kids to fend for themselves, but this is exacerbated by the social expectation that the pinnacle of living life is reproduction, which is another ridiculous concept we’ve had shoved down our throats for far too long. An don’t get me started on how social values basically tell a guy, you know you’re not good enough for her, so you better marry her otherwise she’ll find someone better, and dump you. As if marriage is the only thing that will get her to stick around because you’re so inadequate.