It’s the end of an era. I bought that house in 2008 (the process started in the autumn of 2007) , and moved in shortly thereafter. It was a house, a meeting place, a home, an office, and a photography studio. With my technology business, we helped dozens of local businesses on their path to success, and modernization. We worked multi-million dollar projects for an international medical manufacturer, hosted technician training for their contractors, developed wireless network assessment calibration , and reporting techniques, and policies, software R&D for their products, and customer support, all while implementing their solutions at hundreds of hospitals across North America, and Australia. I hosted monthly networking meetings for over four years to bring Buffalo businesses, entrepreneurs, and clients together. I designed creative photography concepts, and hosted collaborative photography sessions involving photographers, models, and other artists. That house saw fund raisers that raised thousands for organizations like the SPCA, Family Justice Center, and Buffalo Animal Shelter. I hosted marketing events for Xerox, and other local businesses. It saw mimosa Sundays, and New Year’s Day gatherings for friends. It hosted meetings for 48-Hour Film projects, and outdoor movie nights on the back deck. I raised chickens, and gardens, and provided a place for my kids to explore, be artistic, play games, and have fun. It gave a home to friends who needed a place to land, and most recently, Rika, who also needed a place to land. It experienced joy, and happiness. It experienced sorrow, and heartbreak…
Tag: life
The Start of Something, The End of Something
Like being attached to life-saving technology while your broken body decays, and atrophies. Your feeble heart, straining to pump lumps of coagulating blood through hardened, narrowed arteries. All signs that you want to move on, but some inhuman compulsion to not give up this life, and the need for profiteering corporations to bilk every last penny out of you before you die, forces you to stay beyond your stay. Your family crying over your decay, and demise, clinging to the physical part of all that is left, rather than celebrating who you were to them. Not remembering what you gave to them, and all of the things you shared; the plans fulfilled, and lived out with abandon of concern. The faith they had in what you provided, and who you were. Instead, they mourn their loss, watching you hanging on, forced to struggle, instead of allowing you to pass with dignity. Instead of embracing everything they gained through your existence, they feel pain over everything you’ve ceased to be.
Weigh-In Wednesday – Things To Be Said
Insurance companies by nature are about as close as you can get to organized crime syndicates, and you having to deal with them is made compulsory by the government. They collect your money, endlessly. And then when you need them, they’ll find ANY reason they can come up with to not do what they promised, and cover your costs.
Weigh-In Wednesday – End of February
I just found out that you can help support my favorite charity by logging into your Amazon Prime account at and signing up to support “Queen City Pitties” Animal Rescue. Once you sign up, start your Amazon shopping experience at Smile.Amazon and .5% of your purchases will be donated to QCP!
Weigh-In Wednesday – Going to Heck
…in western cultures particularly, we have this perspective on monetary wealth, and prestige where we place those with money, and titles as being, in our minds, as more important. Hence, the wealthy can easily be forgiven in society for their transgressions. Catholic priests aren’t prosecuted for molesting children, because they hold some mystical prestige on our society’s mind, so they just get “relocated” while the church covers up their transgressions.
Friday Writing Challenge – For What It’s Worth
We set these ideals that we fail to achieve
Expecting of others what we won’t even give
The understanding, and forgiveness
For just being flawed humans
Wanting acceptance
But offering judgement
Demanding passion
But living within our walls
Holding tight to our comfort zones
And later regretting our inaction
Weigh-In Wednesday – Why We Are What We Are
Here’s a reminder to myself to not lose sight of what is important. Try to have patience with everyone, and all things. In time, things will come to fruition, or I’ll be dead. Either way is a-ok.
Weigh-In Wednesday – Progressive Thinking
The very notion of conservativism is based on fear: fear of change, and the fear of death, and with that, the desire to stop evolution in its tracks. They want time to stand still for them, not realizing that there are generations that exist, and will exist far beyond their own lifetimes, that depend on evolution. Conservatives want to restore some imagined past glory, but stopping evolution means cutting off our future.
Weigh-In Wednesday – Burnout Is So Lit
The inherent truth behind this statement is a spirit crushing reflection on our society. We praise those who work themselves to death. We don’t take our vacation days, or call-in sick, and have water-cooler conversations about how much PTO we’ve accumulated as if it were a badge of honor. We hand out awards for perfect attendance, but don’t recognize how showing up while sick isn’t productive, or may have had even more significant negative impacts to productivity because you shared what was making you ill. We brag about making it to work through that horrendous blizzard, scoff at those who played it safe, and stayed home, and then pity the ones who die in their car because they tried, and didn’t make it.
Weigh-In Wednesday – January 2, 2019
In all I see this as a disastrous change for the city. Those who live in the city, it doesn’t impact nearly as much as the population who doesn’t live in the city. With a city center of about 350,000 people, and a surrounding population closer to 700,000, it’s an imbalance that this policy doesn’t solve, or even address, but assured, a tremendous amount of the revenues generated by businesses in Buffalo come from suburban residents, and much of it after 5:00PM.