Tag: life

On A Quiet Evening

August 23, 2009


Quiet evening… fresh bread, hummus and red a good cabernet… listening to good music and letting the stress of the day melt away…

So much happens every day it seems; too much to even keep track of.  Hours awake grow longer, trying to pack more and more into each day…  sleep lessens and the need for it wanes…  those pesky wrinkles on the backs of my hands grow more defined..

I took my kids for a swim this evening, which is never good for my skin, but if I had a soul, it would be good for it.  The night air is so crisp and the sky so clear.  As we walked back to their house tonight my oldest son looked up at the sky and said, “Oh, there’s the big dipper!” just in time for all of us to look up at this famous constellation and catch a shooting star streaking across the night sky.

There is something magical about that.

To make that wish.  To live in the shoes of a child, for just a second more.

But thoughts have pervaded in my mind all day… too many bad thoughts.  Too much for me some days… too much.

Sometimes, they have to be exposed….

You wear hope like yesterday’s fashions
And the fads that come to pass
With the arrival of tomorrow
Fighting against your static possessions
And embellishing all these things that you call love

These misgivings you deem tragic
An affront to the person you see yourself as
In your fun-house mirror life
Straightening the jagged edges
That you’ve worked so hard to hide

Pearl white shoes don your feet
Resisting the mud slung up
By the dance of avoidance
On your imaginary yellow-brick road
Your path to the salvation of normalcy

And with the simplicity of a click of your heels
Everything will be alright again

But the warmth of your heart
Suffers beneath the cold of your skin
And the burning heat you claim to own
Is smoldering ashes that never touched a flame

No other shoes will fit your feet
And your rose colored glasses
Cloud your vision
Keeping you from seeing
The smoke from the disasters you leave behind

While this brass holds cold to my hand
I am aching to move away from it
To step away
To find my way

But this tether
The web you spin
Seemingly from nothingness
Offering unconditional support
“It’s alright, I will catch you.”
You call from the past
“I will catch you, you’ll see.”

But a hapless fly could not see
What you offered
As all you ensnare
Twists in the wind

And a single flake falls back to your skin
Disguised as the ember
You pronounce as your awakening
From a fire remaining
In a winter’s slumber

Cherished as this daily ring of gold
Is replaced by a nightly handle of brass
Offering a distance
Beyond the quiet drum beats
And hypnotizing highway lights
Beyond a clear night sky
Shinning like the fake glass jewels
You hold dearer than love

And I breathe

Free me of these shackles of ice
And lift me from the crushing smoke and smolder

I can breathe

And still you cry
While I seek the lights
Until I die

Being The Sea, The Ocean and Me

The depths unwind the fabric of time

In a masquerade of all that would be

Icy, cold castles

Of inky black sea

Winds blow over time

Frothing the waves into mist

A dancing ghost of spirit on the highest crests

Flirting between the air and the sea

Begging so desperately to be

Currents flowing warm above the limitless depths

Cold and dark

And unexplored


To be discovered only by trying

And providing a light of your own

The unyeilding desire to find the mysteries that can still astound

Through the gathering pressure

To still the heaving chest breathing

Gasping for something beyond air and reason

Bending the time beyond understanding

The creatures inhabiting both frightening and freezing

Like shadows within shadows

Movements unseen

As blood in vein boiling

The dangerous depths under this sea

Safer the shallows in the sun and the breezes

Happier thoughts under blue skies and ancient trees

Golden warm sands on the playful time beaches

But there you won't find the depths and the reasons

For what was and what is

The past's future beneath us

Waits undiscovered without trying

Without desire of understanding

And you'll never reach

Into the depths of me

Spiral Out


“Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.”
-- Albert Einstein

In a manner of speaking
This is the creation of energy
The capture of light, thought, emotion and memory
Preserved to inspire a future mind
Energy multiplied over through time
Eyes that stare forward from the past
A past that reflects a future shown
In the light that is yet to be captured

Time Traveler

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And I capture with a lens all of the light there is to see
A passing moment in time; a moment that will cease to be
Now a moment that will exist forever for you, and forever for me
Light made to art, by a spirit trapped but still so free

In this marvel of a jar, I can hold time tight
Everything that this moment is, by capturing the light
Time yielding its moments to an image, and halting its forward flight
To let us reflect on what was, and where we were, when the time is right

Call me a time traveler, and this box is my time machine
I am a merchant of memories; spending a currency of what is and what is unseen
What I gather and what I see in my world, and in my mind, and what has been
With love, and passion, and art and soul, I salvage your memories and dreams

So travel with me in this world, like the sands washing on to the shore
In waves always constant but never same; some in a whisper and some in a roar
Relive what once was; recapture the time, the youth, the feelings, and more
Created merely from light, to bring your memories to life, and let your imagination soar

We Are The Stories Told By The Stars

“What do you see?” I asked her.
“I see… a light. But there wasn’t a light there before.” She stated with a tone of inquisitiveness
“Stars, and galaxies” I replied to soothe her curiosity. “What your eye cannot see, the camera, given enough time, can.”
“But why? Why can’t I focus on them hard enough to see them myself?” she asked.
“Evolution has provided you with incredible mechanisms for exploring the world around you, but only for what you truly need to survive. Your eyes are remarkable, but limited. Science and technology fill in where our biology doesn’t allow us to go naturally.”
She exhaled a thoughtful, “Hmmm…” as she pondered that. She cocked her head to the right and up once again at the sky, squinting with one eye and twisting her mouth tightly.

“I want to see more,” she demanded, “how can we see more?”sky 018
“Well,” I started as I considered my own limitations with the technology accessible to me and what it would cost to get something better, “you can see more with the right equipment, but this is all we have at the moment.”

She cast a disappointing glance at my camera resting steadily on the tripod. She reached to the shutter speed adjustment and opened it up to a 30-second exposure, then to the shutter trigger, pressed it and released it. The camera clacked its shutter open for her, and began capturing all of the light that it could see.
She grew a bit impatient waiting the full 30-seconds for the shutter to finish its cycle, then for the image to appear on the LCD.

She was surprised to see blurs of bright clouds which were barely discernable before, streaking by as if racing across the sky. A bright blue night sky, filled with thousands of tiny points of light and a bright, but shadowy glow from the moon in the southern sky.
“It looks like the stars would look during the day if the sun wasn’t so bright, doesn’t it?” She asked excitedly.
“It certainly does,” I replied with a smile.
She smiled at me, very proud of the results of her experiment.
“Remember,” I explained, “the stars that you see are very, very far away. It has taken thousands, or millions, even billions of years for the light that the camera is seeing to reach it and be captured. The stars that you see may in fact no longer exist, but we are seeing them as they were millions of years ago when the light we’ve just captured began its journey.”

I could see her wrestling with this. She is very bright, but for a child her age, this is a pretty deep concept.
“So, it’s almost like going back in time then?” she questioned as if she were simply sorting out her thoughts out-loud.
“Exactly. You can almost say that you, and I are time travelers, and our camera is our time machine, allowing us to see something possibly as old as the Earth itself.”

She reached out for my hand while gazing back up to the sky, her eyes still full of the wonder of this discovery. Taking it in, sorting the data, and allowing it to fuel the fires of her imagination.

“Time travel…” she whispered, “we can travel through time.”

OK, C?

A story from my travels - March 2008.


Stuck in Oklahoma City. Weather moving through Chicago, all flights to the east are cancelled or delayed, including my cancelled flight to Chicago.

But they moved me to American Airlines. They have a flight to Chicago that is delayed, but not cancelled...

Me: "So, American Airlines's pilots know how to fly into Chicago when there is weather, but United's pilots don't?"

Ticket Agent: *blank stare*

Why does United constantly cancel flights through O'Hare whenever there is even a hint of weather?

Besides the fact United has picked some of the WORST locations for hub airports; Chicago, Denver...

Maybe when choosing an airport to fly 30-40% of all of your domestic flights from, you should pick an airport where the weather doesn't suck 90% of the time???

Just a thought.


Never mind. That flight cancelled too.

Stuck in Oklahoma, and no KC, this isn't OK.

I even tried to get a flight to Vegas and red-eye back to Philly. Best I could do was a 5:30am out to Detroit.

But I had a very helpful and sympathetic ticket agent assisting me who gave me a free hotel room voucher, a dinner voucher and a breakfast coupon for the airport tomorrow morning.

She also commented several times I was the nicest and most patient person she had to help all day.

...see? Being nice is always the best, first approach.