Tag: death

Weigh-In Wednesday – Progressive Thinking

The very notion of conservativism is based on fear: fear of change, and the fear of death, and with that, the desire to stop evolution in its tracks. They want time to stand still for them, not realizing that there are generations that exist, and will exist far beyond their own lifetimes, that depend on evolution. Conservatives want to restore some imagined past glory, but stopping evolution means cutting off our future.

Weigh-In Wednesday – Pre-Overeating Edition

It is hard to comprehend nothing when you have lived, and experienced so much. Our memories are a footprint in the sand that we don’t want to see washed away. The love we share, we don’t want to know that those we give it to will somehow be without it. We don’t want to be forgotten by the people that we love, or the legacies that we leave. We want to know what happens. We want to see where this crazy humanity thing goes.

Weigh-In Wednesday – Death

How do I explain that I’ve felt my own mortality, and my own death, in a very real way? How do I explain that I have reached out beyond myself, and beyond the realities that exist around me, without using drugs to help facilitate it? Most people just won’t get it. Some would probably wish to lock me away, convinced I must be off my rocker.

It’s Not A Tomb…. Or…

Sitting in my office with the lights off, music playing, quietly working. A woman from another office walks in and announces, "My gawd, it's like a tomb in here!" as she flips on lights.

My response?

"But it's MY tomb, not yours. Please turn those off."

She turns off the lights, and leaves in a huff.

Ok, seriously, if I'm going to be here at this job every day while it slowly kills me, let me set up my tomb the way I want it.

K? Thx.

Going Deep

Our society? We allow our elderly to linger in hospital beds, fed by tubes, broken and suffering, hanging on to the unraveled and frayed threads of their life. We pump them full of medicines, hook them up to machines that will breathe for them, while we sit by their side and watch them slowly fade into death. Then we drain the blood from their bodies, fill them full of chemicals and paint their faces so they look somewhat alive for a few more days so we can watch over them in death as well. In the end, their bodies are locked into a metal box and we store them away in the ground, or in a mausoleum where whatever life giving resources that might still be in them can be forever locked away, unable to provide back to the Earth and future life.
