Tag: Cortney Chyme

Friday Writing Challenge – Crazy Little Thing Called…

When we appreciate the little things: the moments, the kismet, the feelings that fill us even if for a brief point in time, we start to see the unwritten poems all around us. The beauty in our lives. The beauty we sometimes take for granted.

I know I need to do a better job of seeing the beauty, but she helps me with that every day.

Weigh-In Wednesday – No Bullying.

I’m never going to look like a Chippendales dancer, unless you compare me to Chris Farley in the SNL skit. So I’ll be happier just reducing the spare tire, and not being a flabby old man in five years.

I mean, flabbier, and older, I guess.

Guess Who

Guess who landed the headline VIP slot at this year's Buffalo Goes Gatsby event?

That's right, Cortney Chyme.

She has assembled a Super Group of musicians for this one, so I put together this little poster for them to use in social media. People seem to really like it!

I got all Art-Deco on this beyotch....






























The event is going to be incredible. I love the music they already have arranged for it!

More Video Fun

LIVE! At the Palladium!

No, sorry, it was just the Buffalo Pizza & Ale House. But Cortney Chyme had to fill in for Derek Mediak of the Derek Mediak Band who was recovering from strep.

Check out these awesome rock renditions of classic alternative rock songs!

Prolific Quarterly

Living In The Buff, along with Cortney Chyme, was featured this May online in Prolific Quarterly's webetorials. The full article can be found HERE. Yet, another publication featuring Living In The Buff.

The centerpiece of the interview, and article are these magnificent photos of Cortney Chyme, in a series we called: Blue.


Dramatic expression is the hallmark of Cortney's modeling
Dramatic expression is the hallmark of Cortney's modeling
Inspired by Moulin Rouge, one of Cortney's favorite movies, and roles.
Inspired by Moulin Rouge, one of Cortney's favorite movies, and roles.
Cortney is a natural upon the stage
Cortney is a natural upon the stage