Tag: Buffalo

Wednesday Weigh-In – Independence Day Interrupted

If you’re going to celebrate Independence Day, you’re truly celebrating the principles that drove our nation to independence, which are all very well outlined in the Declaration, and the Constitution.  You’re celebrating the idea that if your government isn’t truly working on behalf of all of its citizens, changes are necessary. Replacing the government is necessary, and should happen when necessary.

You’re also celebrating the individual right to state such things, and question what the government is doing. Patriotism isn’t blind flag waving, fireworks, standing for anthems, and shouting rah-rah about an entity with imaginary borders on a round planet. Understanding that is a big part of Independence Day.

Weigh-In Wednesday – Random Thoughts Edition

I’m still not sure why people think that a 71-year old man who has been nearly criminal, and definitely unethical in his business practices for the last 40 years would have been anything but that once in a political position. Apathy, and simply not paying attention are two of our nation’s largest shortcomings.

Weigh-In Wednesdays – Dropping Time, Too

Another Weigh-In Wednesday. And today’s magic number was 216.4.  At least it is still going in the right direction. I would have hoped after a weekend of the gym, soccer, a lot of walking, bike rides, and swimming it would have done a little better.

Weigh-In Wednesday – Scam Edition

The value of an individual now, more than ever, is measured almost exclusively by his or her contribution to the economy. What are you worth? What is your profession? How much do you earn? How many kids do you have? What zip code do you live in? What kind of car do you drive? Now that the majority of middle-class Americans have college degrees, our education even boils down to, how expensive was the college you got that degree from? Prestige replaces practical education, and application of learning.

Weigh-In Wednesday – Dad Bod Fo-evah!

Nothing turns a woman off faster than a guy who comes across like Norman Bates, and Jeffrey Dahmer had a baby, and he was born with Tourette’s. Yes, I’m looking at you Mr. Horn-Honking Cat-Caller.

Friday Writing Challenge – Crazy Little Thing Called…

When we appreciate the little things: the moments, the kismet, the feelings that fill us even if for a brief point in time, we start to see the unwritten poems all around us. The beauty in our lives. The beauty we sometimes take for granted.

I know I need to do a better job of seeing the beauty, but she helps me with that every day.

Weigh-In Wednesday – No Bullying.

I’m never going to look like a Chippendales dancer, unless you compare me to Chris Farley in the SNL skit. So I’ll be happier just reducing the spare tire, and not being a flabby old man in five years.

I mean, flabbier, and older, I guess.

Friday Writing Challenge, Again

There’s no such thing as an undamaged person, but to understand someone else’s damage, to understand what they need, and to understand who you need to be in order to not add to that damage takes effort. A lot of effort. Effort that very few people are willing to put into a relationship.

This is really complicated. But it isn’t about who is damaging who, or what damage we all have. We have to start putting more effort into understanding ourselves, having patience with each other, and recognizing the things that truly matter in our world. There’s no one right answer, or easy answer, or magic pill.