COVID-19 Shutdown: Day 38

We should call this Conservative-Virus, because it's bringing out all the sheer stupidity from the conservatives. Kind of shows us what the issue really is.

Fortunately I have my friend Randy, whose Facebook wall is a literal treasure trove of above mentioned conservative stupidity. Finding trash on his wall is easier than finding trash at the dump. He even reposted a confirmed lie three times just because he insisted it can't be a lie - even though it is blurred out with a button over it saying "this has been confirmed as untrue." Basically, screaming through spittle "It can't be untrue, it validates my feelings!"

Yer stupid

Like this one, which he reported in the middle of triple re-posting a confirmed lie which he seems really offended by the block which states it is a confirmed lie.

Speaking of blind to your own hypocrisy, this being posted by a page that posts little more than off point opinions, verifiable lies, and projection is rich. Same types of people who look at the current market shortages and shout, "This is what socialism is like!" when the situation is happening under the administration THEY support. Can't see how fucking stupid this is? That's because you're fucking stupid.

The only thing that offends me is that fact you live in this country that provides (socialism based) government supported K-12 education to every person, and you haven't fucking learned jack shit.

And have you ever met a more easily offended, and indignant group than white male conservatives? Protesting fucking measures to keep people from catching, and dying of a highly contagious, fatal virus because they might not be able to buy bait to go fishing, or play golf, or let their kids run wild so they don't have to be a parent for a while. You fucktards really are something else. Why don't you go protest fences around construction sites, I mean, after all, they limit your right to walk where you want to even if it means getting your empty fucking head bashed in with a girder. 

Your Meme is Probably Completely Wrong

So Randy reported this crap yesterday, which was posted (or reposted) by someone else just a half-day before.  First off, the European population count is off by 4-million people. Closer to 324 million, than 320 (why you rounding down?). That's minor. The US death toll is more than a week old. The US surpassed 20,600 deaths on April 12th. This was posted on April 22nd. The European death toll is 7,000 short for 4/12. The grim reality is the European death toll is currently at 91,336, with mortality rates as high as 17% in France. This is awful. Terrible. COVID his Europe earlier than the United States, and it caught the nations of Italy, France, and Spain unprepared. Has anyone said these nations handled it well? Doubtful. That doesn't mean the United States in What is right here? Not much. aside from the alignment and justification of this graphic in my articlehandling it well. 

Germany is. Highest population of all of those countries. Lowest death raters, infection rates, and mortality percentage. They saw what was happening around them, just as the United States had the opportunity to. Germany put plans in place, took early, aggressive steps toward containment, and now, this week, are starting to open up parts of society that had been closed.

Meanwhile we have protesters in the streets while our numbers are still skyrocketing, and a President tweeting to incite insurrection in states with Democratic governors. That, my dimwitted acquaintances, is the very definition of handling it poorly, and I would go a step further and say, handling it poorly on purpose.

Right now there are 861,266 confirmed cases of COVID in the United States. The death toll was just updated to 48,240. Taking into account, recovered, and deaths, currently there are 733,540 open cases. With the US current fatality rate of 5.55%, that's another 40,345 deaths pending. Unfortunately we're still seeing about 30,000 new cases per day with a slight decline from the peak of just over 31,000 per day. That means in a weeks time, if we have simply flattened the curve, there will be another 210,000 cases.

Meanwhile the numbers in Europe have been on a steady decline. Since April 12th, France has only seen an increase of 7,000 deaths. Spain 5,000, Italy 6,000 and Germany less than 2,500. The Unites States: over 20,000.

So here is your lesson n reading data: The numbers themselves only tell you a fraction of the story. Over 20,000 deaths in the last 10 days, with the potential pace of another 40,000 over the next week is NOT handling this well, and a WHOLE LOT of that responsibility falls on Trump, his decisions, and his administration.

Oh, and one other thing to note for you especially dimwitted Trump supporting morons: one of the biggest factors for the quick spread of a pandemic is population density. That is why in the United States you see the highest case rates in major urban areas.

The total land area of the United States is 3,797,000 square miles. The combined land area of Italy, France, Spain, Germany and the UK: 791,900 square miles.  So 4 million fewer people in 3,000,000 fewer square miles of land to live in. But please, ignore the factors that don't fit with your narrative, or just keep failing to understand science while you wave your confederate flags, Nazi emblems, and protest signs with six misspellings because you've been inconvenienced temporarily. 

What Hype?

Never?  Never a virus hyped to this level? I certainly remember a whole lot of hype about ebola. As well as swine flu, and bird flu, and SARS, and I'm sure that pesky Spanish Flu in 1918 probably got a lot of hype while it killed over 50-million people. Hell, I grew up in the hype of HIV, and dealing with generations of people around me with scars shown as a fear of sex, and sexual expression because we got feed a daily dose of "don't have sex, you'll die" in our youth, but no...  you're right. Never anything hyped like a virus that is killing millions. So undeserved. 

Mitchell, you're a blockhead who looks like Max Headroom and Ted Haggard had a love child (probably while Max Headroom was an altar boy) and it was born pre-aged to 60 years old.

Fuck off.

You Don't Need Entertainers?

Hey, I hear ya on this. Doctors, nurses, teachers, farmers, grocery workers. They should absolutely be paid far more than they are, especially those every day heroes that keep our society, and economy moving. They're essential, and we need them every day.You never need entertainers?

But you don't need a pro athlete? You don't need the media? You don't need Hollywood entertainers???! Well, then I certainly hope you're not entertaining yourself during this quarantine by watching movies or TV shows. Disconnect all your streaming services, and cable subscription. You haven't watched the news? You just fucking quoted Bill Mitchell like he's your messiah leading you from Egypt. Not enjoying replays from past sporting events? This is one of the most absurd things you've posted. Yes you fucking call a plumber when you need a plumber. Is that every day? I bet you watch TV every day. Movies far more than you ever call plumbers. Oh, you're in quarantine - have you called someone to paint your house lately?

You're all fucking idiots with this shit. You post crap like this and believe it, call that house painter to paint a target on your basement wall and go slam your head into the bullseye until you're not this stupid anymore.

Let me explain this clearly: Every time you turn on the TV to binge a show, or watch a movie, you're calling on Hollywood entertainers. You indeed FUCKING NEED THEM. Watch a sporting event? You're calling on Athletes. Watch the news, a talk show?  Listen to talk radio? Enjoying a syndicated show, or Podcast? You're calling on a media personality. You don't call them when your toilet doesn't flush. You don't call them when you have a fever and a dry cough; you call your doctor. This is the way it works if you haven't fucking noticed.

Be sure to mention to your doctor that you might have that hoax virus that you were out protesting over. I'm sure he or she will treat you as you deserve.


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