It is hard to comprehend nothing when you have lived, and experienced so much. Our memories are a footprint in the sand that we don’t want to see washed away. The love we share, we don’t want to know that those we give it to will somehow be without it. We don’t want to be forgotten by the people that we love, or the legacies that we leave. We want to know what happens. We want to see where this crazy humanity thing goes.
Category: Blog
Thinning Thursday? Back At It.
This is the Buffalo I want to know, and want everyone to see. The Buffalo that works hard to welcome refugees from all over the world. The Buffalo that helps people get a new start. The Buffalo that appreciates, and cherishes the cultural differences that those who find a new home here share with us, and celebrate the traditions of others, while sharing some of our own traditions with them.
Weigh-In Wednesday – Another Year
No matter what number is placed on my age some things simply don’t change. I still examine my life, and myself with the most critical of eyes. I still wonder, when examining how others respond to me, how I am failing them, and I see my flaws at every turn. I still spiral into bouts of depression, and struggle to manage to motivate myself even under the crushing weight of the thoughts of all that I need to accomplish. That is probably my toughest balance: convincing my brain to stop thinking such horrible things about myself, while the anxiety of failure, and not accomplishing what I need to do fuels that spiral like a warm ocean fuels a hurricane.
It is destructive when it finally hits land.
Weigh-In Wednesday – Unrefined
I’ve discovered I can save some time and effort writing using Google Voice in a Google Document and then copying it over. I might need some lessons on how to use Google Voice, because it doesn’t really follow my commands the way I’d like it to. and I am discovering 95% accuracy isn’t quite good enough.
Weight-In Wednesday – Tough Pills & Unpopular Truths
Conservatives want you to think socialism is evil, but they gladly accept that 90% of the people in America who own less than 50% of the resources, pay 98% of the taxes which pay for shareable resources such as infrastructure, defense, and civic services – which is, of course, socialism.
Weigh-In Wednesday – Russian Meddling Free Edition
Can’t be down for too long; when the tide rises you end up underneath it if you’re not willing to stand tall before it reaches you.
Weigh-In Wednesday – Sweating Doesn’t Do It
Life gets to be too much some times. But that’s why we’re here, right? To help each other through it.
Weigh-In Wednesday – Keep It To Myself
And here you were
Laughing, and enjoying the day
Smiling, and whiling away
The summer breeze
With your sunburned knees
And me
Weigh-In Wednesday – When You Know, You Know
Questioning your opinions is both good, and bad. On one hand, you should never be so confident in your own thoughts, opinions, and ideas that you’re never willing to examine them, listen to the ideas of others, engage in debate, and be open to changing your view.
On the other hand, when your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are based in genuine, empathetic, compassionate, and positive notions; when you have a solid foundation of knowing right from wrong, and why right is right, and wrong is wrong, then you need to be confident in those related thoughts, and ideas.
Weigh-In Wednesday – Naked Truths
Men don’t want objects any more than women want objects, but society, and the media has no problem treating people like objects.