Category: Blog

The New and Inconsistent Weigh-in Wednesday

‘d say new and improved, but I don’t think this is any kind of improvement. I mean, I don’t even weigh myself.

Sense: this makes none.

But for a lack of any new ideas, this is what I have.

I’m not sure what to even talk about at this point. I have a lot on my mind but probably more appropriate to discuss those things with a licensed therapist instead of spilling it all out in my blog. Is there much of a difference between that and people who lay all of their troubles out on social media? I won’t do that either.

The nation is in a free-fall. The things we’ve come to count on are quickly being taken away. This is not a good situation, but we honestly only have ourselves to blame.

Maybe I’ll weigh myself next week.

Trying This Again – Weigh In Wednesdays

They say our world is becoming more monochrome. This is obviously true. From a design and cultural perspective, it’s a bit sad we don’t choose to fill our lives with color for fear of it being offensive, or unappealing to someone. For fear of it ruining the resale value of what we have. But in art, I believe straight monochrome gives us a different way of looking at things that normally would be colored in our vision. A way of separating out the details using light and shadows.

After all, it is easier to turn color to monochrome than create color from where there is no color. Even in an increasingly monochrome world.

Come Together

When it comes to the conservatives, the Republicans, the MAGA cult, the religious right, the Evangelicals, and the Christian Nationalists, logic isn’t their strong suit; greed is. It always has been. The violence, the thievery, the destruction, the oppression, the greed – all of it has been a constant feature of religions and other sources fascism throughout history. Those who support it are complicit with it, even if they’re in denial about the means to their ends.

The Sixteenth of October

When I was a child the big thing was a party at McDonalds. They had the playground area, and tables with benches that looked like their mascot characters, or so from what I recall. When I was turning 7 I think, I wanted to have friends over for a party and have my mom record it on the old 8mm video camera so I could see what it looked like from outside of my own perspective. No audio – home technology for the lacking of financial resources wasn’t that good back then. I got to watch that silent, monochrome reel once. I’m sure that reel still exists somewhere although I doubt I have the means to view it again today. Who knows? For me, like so many others of my generation, memories are mostly stored in our brains, and very little physical, or digital memories exist to remind us of how it truly was.

But three years ago my partner blindfolded me, put me in the car, led me into a bowling alley where friends and family awaited. I was surprised. I was a bit overwhelmed. No, I was very overwhelmed, by a lot of it. Mostly because my partner did this for me out of love, and joy. Yes, it was 50. That’s a big milestone. I never truly expect anyone to make a big deal about my birthday, and it’s ok that they don’t. But she did, and that means a lot to me.

In Conclusion

Individually you only matter to a couple of generations before and after your life. Your grandparents might love and adore you. Your parents might love and care for you. Your peers might love and respect you. You might give rise to children whom you will love and guide to maturity. They might have children, and if you’re lucky enough, you might be around long enough to see them grow and be a meaningful part of their lives. And that’s about it. Rarely do we know or have significant relations with our great grandparents, and likewise, our great grandchildren. There’s an outside chance those generations might know you as a person. Outside of that, you’re a name. Maybe. You’re someone else’s memories to be relayed, maybe. You’re a grave marker.


Maybe you’re fortunate enough to be a grave marker people visit on purpose. But that too is rare.

A New Social Restriction

If you’re getting on a flight, and you don’t understand that basic fact – YOU ARE SUBJECT TO FAA REGULATIONS THE MINUTE YOU WALK INTO AN AIRPORT AND/OR BOARD A FLIGHT – you absolutely should not be traveling by air. The second you start acting like you are above those regulations or your personal views should be held above FAA regulations, you’re not only being as asshole, but you’re most likely breaking laws, and in the larger picture making it more difficult, and more restrictive for people to fly in the future.

You asshole.

Living In The “Buffa” Art Media

I guess WGRZ doesn’t think much about local professionals, even if they are requesting a favor from them.

Unfortunately, they’re not alone. I’ve been asked by other media groups from the Buffalo News, to the BEE Newspapers for permission to use media, and rarely do they manage to credit it properly, or at all. Hell, it’s often an impressive step if they even bother to ask to use it. Larger media organizations simply don’t care about the work of others apparently. As long as they get what they need in the moment.