I ask these questions in a rhetorical manner, as I feel like intrinsically I already know the answers, and understand it.
I just don’t like the answers.
I ask these questions in a rhetorical manner, as I feel like intrinsically I already know the answers, and understand it.
I just don’t like the answers.
One positive about knowing I’m completely forgettable to most people is, when I meet someone for the second time, I always know it will be like a brand new introduction, and can act accordingly.
Just pretend I don’t actually know them, because they’re not pretending that they don’t remember me at all.
How can I critique what I did? Or how can I even enjoy my work after the fact if I never get to see it?
How do I explain that I’ve felt my own mortality, and my own death, in a very real way? How do I explain that I have reached out beyond myself, and beyond the realities that exist around me, without using drugs to help facilitate it? Most people just won’t get it. Some would probably wish to lock me away, convinced I must be off my rocker.
If you’re going to celebrate Independence Day, you’re truly celebrating the principles that drove our nation to independence, which are all very well outlined in the Declaration, and the Constitution. You’re celebrating the idea that if your government isn’t truly working on behalf of all of its citizens, changes are necessary. Replacing the government is necessary, and should happen when necessary.
You’re also celebrating the individual right to state such things, and question what the government is doing. Patriotism isn’t blind flag waving, fireworks, standing for anthems, and shouting rah-rah about an entity with imaginary borders on a round planet. Understanding that is a big part of Independence Day.
To me the concepts of independence, and dignity are inseparable. Once you dehumanize someone, you are removing their dignity.
I’m still not sure why people think that a 71-year old man who has been nearly criminal, and definitely unethical in his business practices for the last 40 years would have been anything but that once in a political position. Apathy, and simply not paying attention are two of our nation’s largest shortcomings.
Another Weigh-In Wednesday. And today’s magic number was 216.4. At least it is still going in the right direction. I would have hoped after a weekend of the gym, soccer, a lot of walking, bike rides, and swimming it would have done a little better.
I know, some of you are now screaming, “THAT’S THE POINT, JERK!” Yeah, I know this, but along with that point is another point:
Many of the actions, attitudes, and behaviors we deem to be sexual harassment are basically common things most all of us are often doing to each other.
It usually happens at a time when you’re not expecting it. It usually happens at a time when you need it. It usually happens in such a way that it changes your mindset, if not for good, at least long enough to keep you from completely crashing.