Oh, do I have things to say. So many things to say. So many things that need to be said!
But I'm realizing that not all of it should go here. Not even in the member's only section. Some topics don't need to be stepped into here on my blog, and I do need to show some restraint, and discretion. So that is what this week's, less than weekly edition of Weigh-In Wednesday is going to be about. When to not Weigh-In. But of course, I can't really write about not weighing-in without somewhat weighing-in, so if it is a topic you don't see, that's where I'm not weighing-in. See?
It Went Over Like A Fart In A Spacesuit
Someone on Facebook just used that line to describe a past promotion they ran. I don't understand this. Who would be bothered by you farting in your own space suit? If you're bothered by your own farts that much, I suggest you observe your diet more, and make changes. Or don't be an astronaut.
The Quest For The Unicorn
I saw an article recently about Charlize Theron, and in an interview regarding her upcoming movie release, The Long Shot, she was quoted as saying she is very much single/available, but men need to step up their game. Granted, most men probably do need to step up their game in one way, or another, but she didn't exactly state in what ways they need to step up their game. Her past confirmed, and rumored relationships include Sean Penn, Will Smith, Ryan Reynolds, Seth McFarland, Jeremy Renner, Keanu Reeves... need I mention more? For someone who dates exclusively, or nearly exclusively within her own pool of wealthy, and famous people, I have to ask, what exactly is she looking for that she isn't finding?
As I've said to some of the models I've worked with, when they lament over the quality of men they seem to date; you tend to date within the pool of people you associate with the most. If you're not finding what you're looking for, you need to get outside of your current circles, try some new things, meet some new people, and make new friends. I'm sure this applies to Hollywood starlets as well.
Although she'll never see this, my advice to Charlize would be to be completely honest with herself as to what she wants from a partner, be honest about it with her suitors, and get outside of her current common circles.
I'm On A Canadian - Whoa-ho - Radio
Listening to news bites of upcoming stories on a station out of Toronto yesterday, the reporter said, paraphrasing: "An Ontario Woman Surprised to Be Denied An Insurance Claim, Even Though She Thought She Had The Proper Coverage - We'll Tell You Why Her Insurance Won't Pay Up."
Do we need to hear the whole story on that one to know why? Insurance companies by nature are about as close as you can get to organized crime syndicates, and you having to deal with them is made compulsory by the government. They collect your money, endlessly. And then when you need them, they'll find ANY reason they can come up with to not do what they promised, and cover your costs. Health, life, auto, homeowners - it doesn't matter. You look at all the exclusions, and minutia of their clauses, and then that good'ol deductible you have to pay out of your own pocket, up to which they won't even begin to consider covering you. And for the case of homeowners, or auto, even if you pay that deductible, and they offer no assistance, they'll still raise your rates, and there are no regulations telling them that they can't.
Canadian, American, it doesn't matter. This is why we need to take critical insurances like health, and dental out of the hands of private, for-profit insurers. When you put profits over the well-being of your clients, you're failing at your business, no matter how much money you're making.
The Weight Is Over
Still over where I want it to be, but when I had to buy some new jeans recently I was able to go down two waist sizes from my current jeans, which are completely too baggy on me now. So I feel pretty good about that. Thy gym activity has been more frequent, so I'm feeling better about that, too.
As of my last weigh-in I was at 215. I still want to try to get down into the 185-190 range, but I realize I'm working against the factors of age, eating habits, and relative exercise levels, but I still feel better. Now I need to set aside more time for stretching, and activities like yoga before soccer coaching season begins in a few weeks.
Changing It Up
Considering changing gyms. Fitness 19 has been great, and affordable, but doesn't have convenient locations for me now. Catalyst seems to have the right locations, and their current member rates are also attractive. I suggested Planet Fitness to my boys, and they said they have heard some horror stories about Planet Fitness. I've done the LA Fitness membership but it didn't work out well for me, and when I negotiated the plan to include my kids, the sales rep obviously wasn't on the same page as the clubs, so I'd rather avoid them.
Thoughts? Which gyms do you use? What do you like about them or dislike about them?
Last Thought
Republicans always claim the want smaller government, but it has nothing to do with cost savings. Government expenditure under Republican administrations and/or congresses is as high, if not higher than spending under Democratic administrations.
They want smaller government so there is less over-sight regarding what they want to get away with. Remember in 2016, when the Republican controlled congress was inaugurated, their first order of business was to attempt to eliminate the ethics oversight committee.
That should tell you all you need to know about today's GOP.