You were like a dream

...and I was just a trip you were on.


I’m ready for this day.

It is currently 6:25AM. I’m at the airport, eagerly awaiting a flight.

Yes, eagerly.

I didn’t get to my hotel until 2AM after working late and having to drive halfway across North Carolina to get back to Charlotte. But I was willing to do that, for this.

I’m anticipating this. I’m anticipating the change. The change I hope this day will create.

You said if I wanted change I have to make it happen.

You said things will never change.

You haven’t seen the change all around you? The changes within you? You have changed – in a very short time – you have changed in a positive way.

It’s 6:26AM.

Oh no. Britney and K-Fed’s divorce is final. My life will never be the same…

Oh no. There is lint on the carpet in the US Airways club. I think this little white lint on the grey-beige non-offensive carpet might be more of a shock and more tragic.

CNN sucks.

It’s 6:29AM.

I’m sitting in the seats we sat in, waiting for our flights. Talking. Enjoying each other for a final few moments. Another separation. You and I always going in different directions.

Not today.

It’s 6:30AM.

I have coffee and chewy granola bars. I’ll bring you some.

We had a conversation last night, like conversations we’ve had in the past. Pleasant, friendly, open… we laughed. I laughed a lot. You always do that to me. While I worked and drove through the night, with tired eyes and a heavy, aching head, we talked the best way we could.

And I never felt better. Thank you… for… being there.

It’s 6:35AM.

I can’t get a network connection where I am, so I will walk and try my luck near the gate shortly. I have work to do this morning before I seal myself off from the world for hours.



Spending time… doing anything you want. Anything, but work.

You have no idea I’ll be there shortly. I hope you’ll be surprised. I hope you’ll be happy to see me.

I think you will but sometimes… I wonder…

It’s 6:37AM.

The coffee is going down like drinking cups of broken light bulbs. I’m exhausted.

But I know this is one flight I won’t be able to sleep on.

It’s 6:39AM.

When did they change Smokey The Bear’s slogan from “Only you can prevent forest fires” to “Only you can prevent wild fires?” Do they think we don’t realize “forest fire” is a generic term for any wild fire?

Sometimes this world really annoys me.

It’s 6:42AM.

My mind has run out of words. I’m fighting to stay awake. I need to go walk. I’ll grab some granola bars on the way out for you.

It’s 6:45AM.

Flight in less than one hour. My heart is racing!

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